[With a blow of his right arm, he knocks CUNNING-

    HAM on the head, who, falling, hits his head

    against the pillar of the porch, and is stunned.

    Meanwhile, the moment he has hit CUNNING-

    HAM, HALE has sprung upon FITZROY, and,

    with one hand over his mouth, has bent his head

    back with the other, until he has released ALICE.

    HALE then throws FITZROY down, and, seizing

    ALICE about the waist, dashes of with her to

    the Right, where his horse is. FITZROY rises

    and runs to CUNNINGHAM, kicks him to get his

    gun, which has fallen under him.

  FITZROY. [Beside himself with rage.] Get up!

Get up! You fool!

                 [Horse's hoofs heard starting off.

  THIRD PICKET'S VOICE. 10ff stage.] Who goes


  FITZROY. [Stops, looks up, and gives a trium-