MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.12, 1894 - page 171

2. Calling of the roll and noting of the present
   and absent members, and announcement by the
   Chairman of a quorum or no quorum.

3.  Appointment by the Chairman, of standing committees,
   herein prescribed The Secretary of the Board
   shall make in advance for the information of
   each particular committee, a copy of the regulation
   defining its duties on which he shall write the
   names of the particular committeemen as they are
   appointed, and then deliver it to the Chairman of
   the particular committee.

4. Reading of the minutes of the last previous
    meeting of the Board and approval, if not already

5. Reading of the minutes of the Executive Committee
    since the last meeting of the Board and action

6. Reading of the report of the President and action

7.  Report of Treasurer (to be read if required) and
    action thereon.

8.  Report of Business Agent (to be read if required)
    and action thereon.

9. Reading of the minutes of the Board of Control
    of the Experiment Station since the last meeting
    of the Board of Trustees, and action thereon.

10. Unfinished business from previous meeting of the
    Board of Trustees.