C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

Editor W.


the meeting and underwrites its success with his brain and his energy.
Big ComU. K.
School Alumni
Don't forget that the little things anticipated count most, and that the
party is devised for the enjoyment and profit of all present. And don't Makes
forget, either, that tho greater benefit will, if the nffair is rightly engineered,
Arc Offered to Alumni Day Is May 29; Alumni
be experienced by the college or tinivrsitics of which those present nre Fellowships
Encourage Graduate
Banquet To Be Held at

Rapid Progress mencement Reunion


Shakertown Inn


Finally, don't leave your mooting at loose ends. Let the master of
ceremonies call for the college nntliem, all standing, or for some other
The Graduate School of the UniverExtensive plans nre being made for
touch of ceremony in which preferably all present can participate, and tho sity of Kentucky has grown very elaborate entertainment for nlumni reday Uegular) luncheon at 1:15, En- story will have tho right kind of ending. Then stand in the lobby of Ihe rnpldly during the past few years turning to the campus this year for
gineers Club, 1317 Spruce street.
exercises. The
theatre and tnke in the comments as the players drift out. Find wherein and at present has a registration the comenccmcnt
which compnres favorably witli the program that has been arranged Is as
A hi uini Association
Buffalo, May 8 (Second Saturday your alumni meeting failed, nnd don't let it happen again.
April 24
other colleges of the university. This follows:
Regular) luncheon at 1:15 ChamDnncc 0:00 p.m. nt the Men's GymAfter that don't don't don't; do do.
semester over one hundred students Friday, Mny 28
ber of Commerce, corner of Main and
nasium, University of Kentucky.
nre enrolled for work leading townrd
Senior Ball.
May 1 (First Satur- Seneca streets.
A Serious Purpose Essential
advanced degrees.
Snturdny, May 2D
Chicago, May 17 (Third Monday
day Regulnr) luncheon at 1:15, Elk's
Reunion of nlumni, Art Department,
Graduate work is now offered In all
Regular) luncheon at 12:15 MarYale Club do for Yale?" the president of such
'What can the- Philadelphia, May 1 (First Satur shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room). a club asked not long ago. We told him; ho had put the question to us of the colleges in the university nnd Euclid Avenue, 9:00 to 10:15 a.m.
Annual business meeting of nlumni,
idly, and now his association is commonly referred to ns a model Yale approximately three hundred courses
are listed in the catalogue, under the Little thentre, 10:30 a.m.
club. We believe tho trick is to get every local club to ask thnt question
Meeting of Board of Trustees, Presvarious departments, which nre
in all sincerity. The club, like tho class, conserves and strengthens fche
ident's office, 11:45 n.m.
for graduate credit.
college spirit, but the best expression of thnt spirit is lacking until the
Trip to Dix River dam, leaving
The university confers tho advanced
In analyzing the field of the local alumni club wq have naturally enough
organization, ns such, has found how to add to the purely social interest of degrees of Master of Arts Mnster of campus nt 2 p.m.
come first to inquire what manner of organization the typical nlumni club is.
service to the college.
The social success Science, Master of Science in AgriculAlumni banquet, Shakertown Inn,
the association nnd the nttitude of
A Yale man writing on the subject of graduate interest has referred to of n club is of great importance; the application of the answer (to the ture, Mnster of Science in Home Eco- 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 30
these local alumni- associations ns "the great federated outposts of pnst question we have quoted, though curiously enough dependent upon that nomics, Civil Engineer, Mcchnnicnl
Baccalaureate sermon, new gymnasEngineer, Electrical Engineer, Metalstudents." Further, ho has written: "And once a year nearly every one 3ocial success, is the most importnnt objective.
lurgical Engineer nnd Mining Engi- ium, university campus, 3:30 p.m.
of them meets somewhere bo it in Hartford or Honolulu, be he a last year's
At this point We want to take our epistolary lint off to the ladies. We neer. The amount of work required Monday, May 31
Address to graduating class and deB. A. or a reverend gentleman of '(36, and sings and cheers himself hoarse call them the nlumnac and pronounce it the way we were taught in school for ench of these degrees is minimum
credits exclusive of livery of diplomas, 10:00 n.m.
nil one long night for the simple and solitary reason that he went to Yale and college to pronounce it the way wo wore taught in. school and college of twenty-fou- r
Classes that will hold reunions tfiis
to pronounce "alumni." A survey of tho local alumnae clubs, which the the thesis and a year in residence.
like tho other men besido him.
He does not always argue the cause
foltitle of our discussion would seem indefensibly to exclude, suggests how The degrees of M. E. nnd E. E. may be year and their secretaries are ns
of all this. But he knows there is going marching through his brain a far the women sometimes excel the men in making their local clubs function obtained for work done in absentia lows:
regiment of old memories, gorgeous and proud and tattered like the to best effect. In the first place, they organize thoroughly, with neatly three or more years after receiving 1881 Dr. A. M. Peter, Experiment
Station, Lexington, Ky.
the bachelor degree, providing this
and a clear notion of what they are getting time
ranks of ancient battle flags thit hang above the aisles in so many of ordered constitution nnd
has been. spent in practical engi- 1886 Dr. A. M. Peter, Experiment
Then they appear to be pretty successful in keeping their neering work nnd an acceptable thesis
Station, Lexington, Ky.
England's churches. The loyalty of a college graduate is one of the most out to accomplish.
numbers actively interested. That a most important. Th6 slump that is presented.
Prof. V. E. Muncy, 104 West
extraordinary and one of the humanest things in the world."
Ninth Street, Cincinnati, O.
comes through, lack of leadership takes on the complexion of tragedy.
For the encouragement of graduate
commentator the graduate associations are Having divided
But, adds my fellow-Yal- e
the country territorially, they proceed to preach their gospel work, the university offers each year 1896 Dr. Harry L, Davidson, 666
Frances Building, Louisville, Ky.
not mere reunion clubs. That is true, and the danger of letting the useful- in legitimate ways, to study the problems and needs of their college, to ten university scholarships with a
ness of the local cldb stop at that point very decidedly needs to be borne in take an interest in their future fellow alumnae, and to work out a variety stipend of $200 each, five university 1901 Frank Daugherty, Scofield Engineering Co., Commercial Trust
mind. At the same time we must recognize at the start the importance of of meetings which we think rather put the men, who are not quite properly fellowships with a stipend of $400
Building, Philadelphia, Penna.
invited, to blush. We may, of course, be wrong in so doing, but we each and a Registrar's fellowship with 1906 Mary E. Sweeney, Merrill Palso. planning and conducting gatherings of the association as to provide the
a stipend of S500. Fellows and scholhave taken it for granted that the problem of successful local clubs is ars devote their whole time to gradumer School, 71 Ferry St., Detroit,
greatest possible social benefit for the members. We can not agree with
in the main, the same whether it be nlumni or alumnae, wether it be a ate work and no teaching or departan earlier writer on alumni clubs in dismissing this phase of the clubs' small endowed college or one of our great modern state universities.
Mrs. R. C. Wilson (Olline
mental duties are required of them.
as one which will simply take care of itself.
Cruckshank), R.F.D. 1, Box 385 G.
All graduate students are members
We suppose that the first serious and essentially altruistic purpose of
West Albany, New York.
Quite to the contrary, we want to step right in with some suggestions
d local club is to keep its members informed concerning the college or of the Graduate Club which brings to 1916 Erie McGuffey,
608 Fayette
Ihe campus each year prominent
born of distressing experience with lack of foresight and good management university. Happy the club that is regularly visited by an inspiring and
Bank Building, Lexington, Ky.
speakers on subjects of interest.
The right man, or the right group of men, first, to take the planning of informing representative of the college!
Fortunate, too, the club whose
Robert J. Raible, 171 W.
that meeting in hand; It may be the annual meeting and dinner, a smoker. members are fairly frequently in receipt of bulletins in one form or another issue year the Graduate School will Brookline St., Boston, Mass.
a special bulletin outlining the 1923 Charles D. "Graham, Room 408
a luncheon in honor of a visiting representative of the college or some other designed to remind them of the healthy existence of their, association, and of
jraduate courses, and listing the grad
Board of Edu. Bldg., Sr. Louis, Mo.
guest, an outing, or any one of the many potentially delightful and profitabl
he things of interest in connection with both their club and their alma mater
late faculty and students.
gatherings which arc possible lor the local club. No matter what the Lacking the sense of continuity of established by the occasional meetings and
occasion may be the right sort o planning should precede the meeting. And and the not too infrequent bulletins, the members of the club must inevitably
how essential that the plotters possess some of the divine fire of creative look upon their association as a mere paper organization which affords
Dean Is Scientist and Teacher
U. K. Senior
a more or less agreeable annual opportunity to get together socially with
The following is taken from the
Then t'ie summons. We think we take too much for granted in this one's fellow alumni or alumnae. Over against this picture we would suggest Kentucky School Journal of January, Several of
busy world of ours. The members of the ciub aren't going to come around that of a well organized club, officered by members who regard their offices 1926
Class Will Locate in
"For several years the graduate
begging to know what is being planned not many of them. They have to as opportunities for service rather than as flattering badges, seriously
be told. And it is upon the method of telling that much of .the success of interested in maintaining scholarships, inquiring through committees (alive work of the University of Kentucky
On Sunday, April 4, the senior enthe meeting will surely depend. Those in charge will have to choose between and not mere window dressings) and otherwise, into ways in which the club vas administered by a committee of
the faculty. In September, 1924, Doc
the formal invitation, occasionally so effective, and the informal call which can help the college, maintaining an employment bureau for local graduates tor Edward Wiest was made Acting gineers arrived in Buffalo from Pittsburgh for a five day stay on, their
ranges all ;the way from the rarest subtleties to the sort of bad taste that or students, or both, keeping in touch with the local schools and the school Dean of thje Graduate School
striped suit. One invitation does men, and last but not least, on the alert to make the club serve the community served in that capacity until he was annual inspection trip. These1 days
oucrht to lead to hard labor and a
spent in visiting the various
adver in which it exists. That, very briefly, is what we mean, or should mean made Dean of the College of Com were
not move us, and follows a gray morning's offering of second-clas- s
industrial plants in and about the city,
of holding to a serious purposea in maintaining our local merce. In September, 1925, Doctor
tising matter into our waste paper basket. Another has been worked out when we speak
and on sight seeing trip to Niagra
Wm. D. Funkhouser, head of the De Falls.
local replica of the familiar college daily or as a blue alumni clubs.
as a
partment of Zoology, University of
' print in the style of an engineer's plan or as a legal summons and is too
On Monday eveping the Buffalo
Kentucky, was made Dean of the chapter of the American Society of
With the Alumni Secretary
We will save that and drop Tom Underhill a
good to be thrown away.
School. Doctor Funkhouser Heating and Ventilating Engineers
note of hearty appreciation and nothing short of laryngitis or sudden death
And those charged with the responsibilithies of making the club a has made a great record for himself
were hosts at a banquet and entertainThe notices, with the follow
can keep us away from that meeting.
ought certainly to turn to the officer in charge of alumni activities as a teacher and scientist. His edu ment for the boys, alumni and friends
up, the personal calls on the telephone perhaps by groups headed by captain
in turn, to assist him in the work cation, experience and authorship give of the- university. The entertainment
for information, and general guidance, and
reporting to a general chairman, and what the local press is persuaded ,to
of his office in every way open to them. He, it is who has visited the various him unusual preparation for this was given by two melody making
have to say this is the pdblicity without which the executive committee
Kentucky Parsons who made a big
clubs, suffering acutely and needlessly at times, and can offer helpful work.
and a few of the faithful are apt to find on their hands a very dull evening suggestions. Let the clubs turn to the alumni secretary whether it be
"Doctor Funkhouser was educated in hit.
"Molasses Nutting" also conand a staring deficit.
to start them going, or for solid the public schools of Indianapolis tributed to the evening's entertainfor a model constitution and
Shortridge High ment with his dry wit.
It doesn't always seem quite right, we know; but substantially the guidance to get them off the rocks and into navigable water once more graduating from
Thursday evening was a big get
process of advertising which is required for the successful marketing of a Let them remember that the alumni secretary can supply them with just School in 1898. He did his under
graduate work at Wabash College; together with the alumni at an inof a succesful gathering
x manufactured product is the absolute first essential
about anything they want from a member of the faculty or an administra graduating in 1905. He did his grad formal banquet at the Chamber of
'"of your local alumni club.
use, and such uate work at Cornell University, re Commerce.
tive officer, signed, sealed, and delivered for
A jazz band furnished
A neat little volume, posibly done in one of those indispensable faces excellent aids as the "Guide for Wellesley Club Officers" and "Wellesley ceiving the degree of Master of Arts the music to which the boys did some
of Cajsioli and bodnd in a certain amount of morocco, could be written Model Constitution," to statistics for the club bulletin He may do nothing in 1912, and the degree of Doctor of mean "Charlestoning."
All present
oiutne subject and character in meetings. We can't do that little volume more than provide a souvenir program for a dinner in Pittsburgh; he may Philosophy in 1910. He was honorary gave a standing vote of thanks to Mr,
Roger Thornton, chairman of the enust now. But reason forbids that you just go and hire a hall and tell the help the president and secretary of tho Philadelphia club to work out a fellow at Cornell 1916-1"Doctor Funkhouser has had a very
'maitre d'hotel that we want a dinner served at 7:15 o'clock and then expect somewhat elaborate scheme of county clubs for holding meetings when the rich experience as teacher and admin tertainment committee. "Rog" put in
our sruests to write to the Alumni Weekly about it afterwards. You couldn't students are home on vacation, or he may independently launch a plan of istrator. He was instructor at Brazil a lot of work on the party and with
the help of Messrs. O. K. Dyer, E. E.
trow Giant Swiss Chard Lucullus that way. If the divine spark, so casually simultaneous meetings in various centers throughout the country.
and at Greencastle, Elzey, A. H. Mason, C. R. Perkins, of
Indiana, 1905-0disposed of in a preceding paragraph is in us, we will want to consider the again he may specifically guide a club in determining that perhaps most 1907. He was headmaster at Ithaca
the inspection trip, and L. U. Milward,
character and possibilities of the soil, we will want to trim up the garden important question of what the graduate organization can do to benefit the New York, High School, 1908-1- 4 and L. C. Davidson, and T. R. Anderson of
devices for the sake of appearance: We all college, what different kinds of service it can perform a sure medium of principal of Cascadilla School, 1915 the entertainment committee made the
with flags and other decorative
want to create an atmosphere. We should broadcast that phrase: create success for the club, which otherwise will remain merely social and therefore 18. He came to1 the University of visit of the class to Buffalo a big
an atmosphere. It can be done provided we first succeed in getting our relatively insubstantial. If the alumni secretary is worth the" powder that Kentucky in 1918 as head of the De- success. Seven of eight of this year's
crowd there by fair means or foul a vitally important preliminary effort otherwise should be used to blow him up, he will find countless ways to partment of Zoology and served in graduating class have signified their
that capacity until September, 1925
which we have labeled publicity.
help the local alumni clubs. If the clubs are awake to their opportunity, at which time ho was appointed Dean intention of locating in Buffalo and we
have hopes of getting a few more.
Then, in the name of humanity, do not asphyxiate our guests after we they will turn to the alumni secretary for the guidance and inspiration of the Graduate School.
Thursday was the final day of the trip
have got them there and exposed them to the U. of K. atmosphere. If we which he is best qualified to give.
"Doctor Funkhouser holds member and some left that night for New York
ship in the following learned societies: City while tho remainder started for
find we have made this fntal mistake, go right out and suicide before our
Clubs aa Asset to the College
Fellow American Association of Ad Lexington the following morning.
victims revive. We will have killed or seriously crippled our association
vanced Science; Entomological Society
On Saturday, April 10th, the reg
for some time to come.
And the results of such well ordered activity on the part of the alumni of America; Member New York Ento
ular monthly luncheon was held at the
clubs are fairly apparent. Let an occasional carping critic emit whatever mological Society; Brooklyn Entomo
Some Things to Avoid
The club was
Chamber of Commerce.
sounds he will to the contrary, the fact remains that the college authorities logical Society; New Geographical unanimous in its praise of the various
like don'tc, but here are some good ones:
We don't
aro more and more turning to the alumni, particularly to the effectively Society; American Zoological Society; committees who completed so sucDon't lug a long business meeting with those long reports and
organized alumni, for their intelligent interest and support and for their American Eugenics Society; Sigma Xi cessfully all the details involved in
and the toastmaster's fanfare. Belasco counsel.
discussions between the
For, after all, the college is in large measure the sum total of (president Kentucky chapter 1923- - the inspection trip.
was never caught making that mistake. Our jails are too sparsely populated the men and women it is educating and has educated. There is nothing more 24); Wilson Ornithological Club; Ken
It was a pleasure to us to renew
during the alumni association indoor speaking season. Why not hold the sweetly logical than this banding together of the alumni. They are simply tucky Academy of Science; K. E. A.; friendships with our old friends Dean
University of Kentucky Researce Anderson and Professors Freeman,
business session just before exposure to tho atmosphere of the dining room obeying a rule of reason.
And the turning to them by the college Club (president
Kentucky Terrill, Dicker and O'Bannon who acWhy not?
or judiciouly at a smoker pr some other of the lesser gatherings?
authorities is just as reasonable Note how willing they send out adminis Ornithological Society; Kentucky companied the class.
Don't overload the speaking program. It will be a serious mistake trative officers and members of the faculty to speak at alumni dinners, and
State Historical Society.
We enjoyed having the boys here
enough if, instead of a dinner of the sort made famous at Mory's when you how glad they aro to prepare and distribute stereoptican slides and motion
"He is active in tho councils of the just as much as they seemed to enjoy
were in college, a mutton chop and a walloping great baked potato and picture films of tho college. That is all a perfectly natural development following organizations: Kappa Sig being here, and hope thut the next and
that sort of thing, you have served a banquet, and Roman punch or a of the relationship between the organized graduates and the college.
ma (district Grand Master Kentucky all succeeding inspection trips will innnd Tennessee); Secretary Southern clude Buffalo,
raspberry sherbert, because it was left to the steward to do what he could
Those of us who are called upon to utter truths in considerations of this Intercollegiato Athletic Conference;
cents a cover. Why not a maximum of
for two dollars and seventy-fiv- e
J. B. Slater '23, Secretary,
three speakers and the threat of death to the toastmaster if he forgets that sort can hardly resist the temptation to play oracle. The ulumni advisory Chairman Athletic Council, University
board representing the local clubs as in the case of Yale (and especially the of Kentucky; Chairman Extension BIG DANCE SATURDAY
ho is the toastmaster and must set an example of brevity?
ame, .the Princeton Graduate Council representing the classes), and the Committee, University of Kentucky,
And the toastmaster. Don't let the president of the club feel that the
Final arrangements have been made
Clubs, which provides an annual 1920-2like the Associated Harvard
only function he has is presiding at the annual dinner. You didn't induct organization
iceting with tho opportunity not only to hear committee reports and Council Boy Scouts; President Lexing for the big ulumni dunce to be held
treasurer into tho roles of chorister because ho had succeeded
ton Rotary Club. He is author of
peakers from the college, but to tuke part in the discussion of matttrs of about 100 technical papers, bulletins, in tho new gymnasium at tho UniverGet a real toastmaster,
in collecting bank notes from tho club's members.
Music will be fursity of Kentucky.
college interest, have, with other forms of graduate association, rendered books and manuals including Homoeven if ho happens to be the president of the association.
nished by the Strand orchestra, und
alumni articulate. They will not, we think, make the mistake of thinking logies of Wing Veins; Neotropical it is expected thut this will be one
Don't overlook aids to success. Remember the music the resourceful the
layman cun do the educutional expert's tusk for him better than tho Ilomoptera; B.'ology of Menibrucidue; of the best attended functions thut the
man at the piano who knows tho familiar songs and can hammer them out hat the
loyally study the Outlines of Zoology; Membracidae of alumni of Lexington huvu sponsored.
joining in; tho quartet that cared enough to expert can do it himself. But they will earnestly and
iso that tho crowd can't resist
problmes which inevitably crop up in the modern institution of higher Connecticut; Philippine Hemiptera; The dunce is being given by tho Lex.Jk;et together before the party and can render good selections and lead the
ington Alumni Club und through the
and loyally, Wild Life in Kentucky.
H)ld glee club singers seated with them and the crowd, as well; the song learning, and they will offer their counsel
Under the leadership of Doctor work of their committee, many tickets
especially when it is sought by the college authorities. And, on its part,
fiheets at every place. Some crowds just naturally sing, and some won't
Funkhouser tho graduate work of the are being sold. J. White Guyn,
college will think of the alumni less and less as u source of finunclal
University of Kentucky will take high is chairman of the ticket committee
unless they are coaxed a bit. You can't afford to take tho risk of failure the
may be) und more
rank with tho grudunto work of other in Lexington, and there is also an
heje. Include some stunts the fellow who sings "Romeo and Juliet" and evenuo ((important though that expression of loyalty
stute universities. The University of other committee on the campus.
graduate of the late and more us a source of counsel, moral support, and inspiration.
never fails to bring down the house, the solemn-jaweIf the local ulumni clubs, by keeping the college loyalty bright and Kentucky and the University of Louisii.'ieties who does Proxy, the mock Corporation meeting, and tho faked
jttK'gsenger, and the sort of thing that makes people eager to secure vigorous and directing it into channels of usefulness, will continue 'to ville are the only schools in tho State
doing graduate work. With the fine of the Stute, one of the best graduate
jnvHutions to the annual dinners of the Gridiron Club of Washington. strengthen hte mutual regard thut has always existed between Alma Muter
that now exists between schools in the South should be the
Creative imagination somewhere along the line someone who visualizes and her sons und daughters, their future of service will know no limitation. the university ana the veveral college









two-ma- n





whole-heartedl- y


