
...... .............






"KMS4Fat PLAZA RESTAURANT Given Every Saturday
Near Short Street

A CIpaii Plar.p





The advertisements for the student
Icating liquors, but thus far no definite
edition of The Hernhl will be under
ARIZONA IN DERATE plans hnve been made.
the management of James Shropshire,
present, business manager of The KerONE) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) STUDENTS WHO WILL EDIT nel, and who will bu assisted by The
Kernel advertising staff, Hunter Moobest to make them tools correspond ratty, nnd John Y. Drown, nil of the


Konda Holds Freshmen to Three
Hits and Wins Game, 10 to 3
at High School Field ; Frosh




John Cnstlc Warren

with the number of courses nnd come
out oven, but when the war was
over, I had two forks, one knife, and
four spoons left over. 1 figured tncy
wns just extra in case you dropped
.some on the floor.

Mary Lair Has Lead

Stars Not in Lineup

University of Kentucky.
Professor Sutherland also said that
a debate is being planned which will coo Clnxon, Jewell Hays, Maria
nnd Clnud Shouse nnd Charles
hnve as Its subject the modification of
the laws prohibiting the sale of intox- - Cook, of Georgetown College.

Miss Marv Lair, who takes the fem
inine lend, is a sophomprc in. the Col
Morris Slarls Fireworks
MEET CUBS TOMORROW lege of Arts nnd Sciences nnd a member of the Kanna Kanna Gamma so
Morris started the fireworks nftcr
oration on
defeat nt the rority. Last year she took the part. a while with a
Smarting under a
hands of the Picadome High school nt of May Dexter in the Stroller, play what a good paper we turned out
who hns while ho wns managing editor, nnd,
Mr. Hamniel,
Picadomn Tuesday afternoon, Coach "Fifty-fifty.- "
Hnnspn's Kitten basehall team entered the leading masculine role, is n
while he didn't think it could bo im
in the College of Commerce. proved upon, he wished the new outfit
their practice sessions with vim out
Last year he attended Washington and lots of luck. Then Morris announced
on Woodland Park field Wednesday
t i.o University. Although this is his n.nt lie wns toastmaster nnd would
Mill Thursday.
Roads, Picadome pitcher, held the first year with the Strollers, Mr. Ham introduce the next speaker. So Mor
exfrosh to three hits while Hansen used niel has had considerable dramntic
ris gave another speech lnlroducin
This season he has played the next speaker, and then we heard
Kreilimr. Roper, and perience.
was Jack
in two Romany plays and he is in the the next speaker which
n vain otl'ort to curb lb
ttiiilcli' in
Slttiick. Eiirllt of cant of the "Beggar on Horseback" Warren.
Pimdmiii'M runs were scored in th which will be presented by the Eng
Jack rose upon his hind legs and
lipped over a water pitcher and says
"second inning when Roper, freshman lish department.
He oba
luirler, was unocKcu om. m uiv
"Tubbv." Warren is nn old Stroller he was glad to be with us.
Polo !it first huso, and Wilson, at thin nnd played in "The Thirteenth Chair." serves that Morris was as useless as
imn. nlnvcd the best came for the Outside of Mr. Warren and Miss Lair ever in the capacity oi lousuiiuaiui,
no need
all the members of this years cast secin' that there hadn't been
Cnneh Hansen started the season are serving their first year with the if a toastmaster since the Lightcentli
Then he congratulated
with 40 candidates and has since cut Strollers.
us on securin' his services as business
the squad to 2G. However, a largi
Philin Rusch and Al Wiemann, pres manager last year nnd hoped the new
niimhui' nf freshmen have been prac
of the
tinimr snrlntr football and have been ident nnd director respectively
one would be just as good.
iinnblp. to renort for baseball. In this Strollers, are considering several of
Then Morris made anotlier speecn
fers from other towns to present "Ice about what a fine speech Jack had
group are such outstanding athletes
bound" there. They expect to present made, and announced that he would
as Knadler, Portwood, Gilb and bias iVin
Onera house
nlnv nt the
incfinin who renorted Wednesday.
the next speaker, and
The Kittens play their next game sometime between May 12 and M.
made a long speech about the next
Saturday against Georgetown on the
home field, and they are expected to
When Morris's speech was over
present u much better team, new can- Zoology
Kyle Whitehead got up and said that
mention it in
didates and more practice being their
Morris had forgot
Women his speech hut he wasto the next speakWill Be Open
new claim to greatness.
er. Morris wanted to make another
Dr. Allen Will Be in Charge speech of apology to Whitey, but Kyle
of the Laboratory at
nvs he thought Warren never would
get through talkin' and there wasn't
no need of gettnr Morris
The women of the university will be again.
Admitted to the laboratory of the de
Mourns for Departing Seniors
its pledging services at its dance.
nartment of zoology of the university
Whitey lamented the fact that the
Will Have Parade
year after
In the afternoon a gigantic parade at Quicksand, this year, for the first seniors were departing this
Fra time sinco its onening. This work is lmvine- heen with us only six or seven
will be staged through town,
ternitios. sororities, and other organi an annual event of the zoology depart years. He says that he had watched
wasn't no reason
zations will have floats in this parade ment, and spend V. D. Funkhouser lab us closely, and thereget along just as
whv wo shouldn't
six weeks at the
nnd nrizes will be awarded by the bu acreed to
we kept
Ky circle for the prettiest and the oratory as an official chaperone for well as we had been doin' if
on doin' the same way we had been
most comical floats. The parade win the girls.
The work at the laboratory this doin'. despite the fact that he would
lend nn to the enmnus where the of
ficial crowning of the May Queen will summer will be in charge of Dr. Wil- n't be there to watch us next
Morris, who seemed to be the princi
circle will not liam R. Allen, associate professor in
take place. The
its dance on May Day this year zoology. The teaching of field work, iinl sneaker of the evenin,' made some
50 or GO
but will give it the following Friday as well as the survey of that moun- more speeches and introduced
night, May 7, when the high school tain region, as yet unexplored from more speakers, and then
the scientific point of view will be asks if there was anything else to eat.
tournament will be on.
Tn Tliirn Freshman Cans
the points emphasized. The equipment It developed that there wasn't, and
A new feature will be introduced for the conducting of the experiments Morris was gettin' short of wind,
into the Mav Day program this year is taken from the university, and the he introduced Professor Grehan as a
At a meetinc of Omicron Delta Kappa 15,000 acres of land owned by the strivin' young cub who was tryin' to
national campus leaders' honorary university as well as the privately get along the best he could.
Youngster Gives Advice
fraternity, it was decided to inaugur owned land in this region is open to
This voungster says that it was his
ate this year the custom of burning the scientists.
wasn't any
freshman cans on the first day of May
Last year scientists from other humble opinion that there
rudiNo freshman will be allowed to burn states visited the laboratory, and were of us that had got beyond the
ments of journalism, but the first
a new cap and as he throws his sky- - much impressed with the work.
forty years was the hardest, and if
nippp on the fire he will cct a receipt,
w. lived lone- enough, there was
These receipts will be collected and
in this manner a check will be obtain ENGINEERS TO LEAVE
ed of those who have worn their frosh
ON INSPECTION TRIP Mjlin'a made another declared (but
tiie use, and
man cans durinir the year.
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) meeting adjourned. We wandered out
This year the burning of the
through the. lobby, and departed for
cans takes place immediately
our respective abodes. It was a right
following the festivities on the camp Bullock Works of the
In the late noble affair, and I ain't had so much
us. A bonfire will be prepared on Manufacturing company.
Stoll field and all who desire may go afternoon the party plans to move to fun since grandma broke her leg.
the Hotel Gibbons, Dayton, Ohio.
and watch the fun.
Thursday will be spent at the Na- R.O.T.C. FIELD DAY WILL
tional Cash Register company.
McCook Kield and the Dayton Rub.HERE NOTED SPEAKER
ber Manufacturing company will be (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE)
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) inspected on Friday, and Saturday
the morning will be spent nt the plant for especial proficiency, and a banquet
At 2 and dance will be given lor the newiy
vocations are difficult, and require a of the Delco Light company.
reserve officers by the
lone- steadv climb before succes is o'clock in the afternoon the busses commissioned
l pvinirton chanter of the Reserve Of
established. Opportunities are oiler will start back to Lexington.
ficers Association of Central Kentucky
Ten Men Go South
ed in all businesses and the successful
man is the one who recognizes them
Sunday, April 25, 10 men in the at the Lafayette hotel at ( o'clock on
he said.
Failures often occur be engineering college will make the sev- the evening of May 20.
The advanced course R. O. T. C. will
cause "the eye is focused on obstacles enth annual southern trip under the
rather than opportunities."
direction of Professors C. S. Crouse, irive u smoker in honor of the War
Mr. Driscoll asserted that too nianv D. V. Terrell and L. C. Robinson. Department board, and the company
men made money an objective in life. They will reach Chattanooga Sunday sponsors are arranging a luncheon in
He said that an engineer would be afternoon and make a trip to Lookout their honor on Thursday.
of the
The military department
successful as an engineer only when Mountain.
he considered his work above everyMonday, a special Pullman wil be university expects this field day to
thing else. Many of his points were dropped at Sheffield, Ala., and the be the outstanding leature ot me miliillustrated by a description of the dif- party will visit the U. S. Nitrate plant tary year; and it is hoped tfiat this
ficulties met in the construction of the No.
and No, 2. They will also in- inunppt on will result lavorabiy ioi
Woolworth and Equitable buildings in clude a trip to the Wilson dam and the local unit.
Tuesday the
New York of which he had charge.
President McVcy Talks
party will register at the Molton Ho- STUDENTS TO TAKE PART
McVcy made a few re- tel at Birmingham.
The morning
marks to the students and said the schedule includes trips through the
requirements for a good engineer iron mines of the Tennessee Coal, (CONTINUED FROM PAGE SIX)
were "loyalty, pcrseverence, enthusi- Iron and Railrond Co., and the Amerasm, and idealism."
ican Cast Iron company, followed by "Elijah" by Prof. Carl Lamport, diCoke plant rector of music, University of KenThe program was concluded by the a trip to the
The two parties will tucky.
playing of several records on the new nt Pnivfinlfl.
Brunswick Orthophonic machine, and then join and all visit the Fairfield
Extensive preparations are being
humorous remarks by Col. Morrow.
work of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and made for this event, and arrangements
have been made to broadcast the com
Railroad Co, Tuesday evening a
will be given the party by the plete program from the Louisville
Courier-Journradio station WHAS
ALLOWED DATES AT DANCE Birmingham Alumni Club.
Other Trips Planned
Wednesday morning alternative
One of
trips have been arranged.
affair by choosing these will bo through the Edgcwater
partners from the junior and senior coal mine and central pumping plant
Railof the Tennessee Coal, Iron and
Admittance cards will be issued road company, and the other will bo
from the senior and junior class rolls through a cement plant. In the afterand will be carefully checked at the noon the party plan to visit the Ens-'eWorks of the Tennessee Coal, Iron
door. Each card will bear the name
and the class of the student presenting imil Railroad comnanv.
Thursday will bo spent at Copper-villit.
Friday at Ducktown, and Saatur-- ,
The place where the dance will be
held has not been decided upon yet day, at Knoxvillo and vicinity, All
but subcommittees on arrangements points of interest in these places will
will report at the next meeting of the lie visited. The party will return to
Lexington Sunday, May 2,
'senior committee Sunday,
10-- 3


dy, Fred Conn, Albert Klttengcr,
Keffcr, E. L. Berry nnd Ronnld
Poindestcr, of Georgetown College,
nnd a number of students from the
advertising class of Dr. Miner.









Su-K- y


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Sprin- g-

Tailored in the College Man's manner and shown by this store exclusively in a variety of new and substantial Spring woolens and there's
no extra cost for the extra trousers.





Snap brim Fancy band
Spring Hats - - - $5
Grace-- College Oxfords - V - $6





upper-classma- n






The Hut


"The College Man's Store"
