l was
- to fifteen county agents in the main are attempted improvements on, some
t strawberry sections, including the of the above mentioned varieties and
- Purchase, Marion, Bowling Green, other outstanding varieties of the
r Greenville and Louisville, advising United States and foreign countries.
¤ them as to the stage ot egg develop- Oiner workers nresent reid nf the
t ment and danger ot? egg laying. Mr. Sulall fruii breeding nregrnrn under
r Armstrong also sent letters to way in ineir Several nmieen Oi
s gl'0\l'€l`S Wllll llilsscd lllc Slillloll particular importance to Kentucky
`- lll5ll€€tl0ll {UV ¤l`0“'ll l>0l`€l‘ and me and this section of the United States
e results were used in newspaper and in ine nne Sirnwnerry breeding work
radio announcements. being dong by ine Tennessee Exneri-
ll ment Station with the work centered
t REGIONAL STRAWBERRY at the West Tennessee Experiment
t- AND RASPBERRY Station at Jackson, Tennessee. l't is
tl CONFERENCE suggested by Dr. Darrow that the
`. W_ D_ AI{hiSTRONG Tennessee breeding work is likely to
‘s On April 2627 inere wnn rr reginnni be of more importance to the central
Y small fruit conference at the Costal l`“il°d States Section than is me
P purine Exnernnen‘i Siniinnv Wiiinrdi breeding work being carried on further
L North (`arolina. The meeting was €“Sl·
`Y sponsored by the North Carolina De- On the Station grounds were also
purtment of Agriculture, North Caro- lucutetl S€:\'el‘£l.l tests that were Sh0W-
ls lina lixperiment Station and the U. S. ills; d€Cld€d illCl‘€aS€S in Blakemore '
’l` Department of Agriculture jointly; as Yields fl`0lll tll€ SD€l€lllg of tllé ll€W
’l‘ the three are cooperating in the work runner plants and the restriction of
4 under way at the station. Small fruit the llllllll>€1‘ of l'l1llll6l‘ Dliillts 1`00ti1lg.
l· workers of seventeen states from These cultural tests on Blakemore
[9 California to Maine were present. Wlllvll llslllllly Séts t00 HIHHY Tllllllér
lll The purpose of this conference was lllillltS Sll0llld b€ of gféat iH1D0l°t8¤C€
ut to inspect and study the results and ill Bl1lk€lll0l`€ Dl`0dl1Cl¤g S€€tl0l1S. A
~S· progress of the strawberry, raspberry Sllilcillg S>’St€1ll kl10Wl1 as tl‘lDl€·l‘0W
42 and blueberry breeding program; $ll1lClllg is bélllg l1S€d Wldély th€l`€
Sl study culturalexperiments underway; Witll tllé Blilk€ll101‘€ V&l`l€tY. IH 1939 r
?*l to observe commercial plantings in the tl`illl€·l‘0W SDHCBG Dlilllts pl‘0duc€d 3
W the vicinity; to exchange ideas with 6 Ylfild of 292 crates (24 Ql1Hl”tS) DBF  
VS other workers present and to lear11 of Fl€l`€ lll €0lllD3l`l$0ll to 243 Cl`8t€S f01' {
"il the scope of work going on in other tll€ l`€glll€il` lll3tt€d TOWS- It was $$0
il Siniee found that the spaced plants had i
1 Many new Strawberry Seieeiinns more leaves per plant in the fall and  
ll'- rind Seedlings were Seen inet win nn that this resulted in more fruit per ‘
doubt play a big part in the straw- lllam the uext Sl)l`i“g·
HS berry industry in the future. This Another cultural experiment on the A
lY· breeding program of the U. S. care of the second year patch was be- _
llg Departmentof Agriculture in coopera- ing started. In this. one plot was   .‘
ill tion with the North Carolina Station reworked just after harvest, one plot {
lOl has already produced such outstaud— was not reworked and no new runners ` ‘
lll ing strawberry varieties as the Blake- were to be allowed to root. These -
21 more, Fairfax, Dorsett, Southland, two plots were compared with a l1€\V  
lt>' Bellmar and more recently the Fair- planting, which would represent a   _
illll more, Daybreak, North Star, Eleanor patch that would be fruited only one  
Roosevelt and others. season. This and other treatments of r- .
gs, Many of the new seedlings and the second year patch are big prob- ,  
mg selections contain the blood ot, and loins in strawberry production. { *_
5 `