fortunate however in that the tempera- were in this way more subject to
ture was a degree or so higher and winter injury.
their fruit buds escaped, This sec-
tion also escaped the spring frosts STRAWBERRY FIELD
and practically every orchard is now MEETING
producing a full crop of fruit. The w·_ W_ MAGHJL
discoloration to the cambium in that One of the best Extension Demcm
Section has also cleared up' stration Held meetings I have held
At Henderson the trees are recover- during the past 20 years was that on
lng from the ·-16° weather with a the farm of Lester Harris in McCrack-
comparatlvcly few dying. A number eu County, Heath Community, May
of growers there and at Louisville 20, on the Experimental Strawberry
pruned their trees back considerably Plots conducted by W. D. Armstrong,
after growth started to take advan- Horticulturist of the Western Ken-
tage of this non-fruiting year to lower tucky Substation. `
the fruiting wood in their trees. Commercial Strawberry growers of
Trees ibut were lieuucu back. the Paducah district have always had
should by all means have their new u wide difference of Opmwn as t° the
gi.0u.lli lliiiiiiud Oui by lute June Oi. most desirable season to apply the
1 early July to prevent this thick new mulch and the proper am0u¤t_ to
I growth from shading out the low umm" Manx growers do not c0uS1d?r
, growth lil truest if this Cmwuuu it worth while to apply a mulch, in
· thick condition is not relieved it will fact a high Der Cent of the berry fields V
, cause the imus to grow back mil and do not get. any mulch before March or
l spindly and the purpose of lowering Curly f\Dm‘
l {lic bcml will bc ucimleul During January of 1940 the .tem·
3 perature reached zero several nights
Q At thc w°S‘°"“ KY Eximrilncm and on January 19 the temperature
S Substatiou at Princeton an interest- llmiiiiull iu lz below z€i.O__i,l.itli uu I
,. me ¤¤¤¤i¤i¤¤ lm <¤¤~‘¤l¤¤>¤¤ as =· mm- tm the gi-Omni in nie Paducah g
il result of the fall and winter. A block (li5li.iul_
ii of trees was cut back considerably This ubuuiuiul i€uib€i.utui.€ evideub ‘
ii after the loss of thc crop from a li, killed the fruit buds Ou about iu uf 5 5
,1 S¤~**¤r= **0** in 19***- Ml =¤¤¤<~t¤<·¤` me Sumiisi-I-,· plants and mlm-sti the 2  
l>l¤<·l< =·l·~·¤s Side MS left ¤¤·¤··¤*· In roots Ou mi additional   of uic hum  
i 1939 the uncut portion set much the wliciu uu iuulcli bud buuu applied be, Y 2
5 heavier crop and had to be thinned fore Clu.iSluiuS_  
; heavily while the portion cut back in Gi.u“.ui.S ulleudiug llus mgellllg  
ll 1938 set a smaller crop land needed “.ui.(, Yuri. uiuub Sui.iu.iSud at lb? cOu_ _  
u very mug thummg Of f"“‘t· trust shown in tlieberry plots from the " i W
u Due to the severe summer drouth. use of straw applied in December as I _
ii ilD“'€V€l`. lilL’ h€2lV§' iH(i€Il iill`{J,`C ll`€‘€S (‘0]l]I)ill`(‘(i to tilt) Alllltil ll]\l\ilL'i\llUU· " l
v_ failed to size their fruit and most of The dead roots and large P9? wut of Q f
it Was 1*';§," fruit. The fruit on the non-fruiting: plants iu‘ the March   _`
ig cut back trees was larger. poorer mult-hed plots was outstanding. More   if
ii. colored and gt day or so later. This details of this mulch experiment will   Q-»
li, spring, however, serious injury has be found on page 1 of this issue. I li  
' showed up in the larger uncut trees estimate the 2 ton ot mulch in Decem- l' f
that over bore in 1939. This is ber increased the yield this year over   `
thought to be due to a combination of 50 crates per acre.    _"
sl the overbearing coupled with drouth, Growers attending the Demonstra-   Ig;
by which caused the trees to go into the tion were also very favorably ini-    
is winter in a weakened condition and pressed with the appearance of the   rg.