l GEOGRAPHY. » (3) AND THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. ` (3) A course In the technlques of map maklng wlth
I A study of the spatlal dlstrlbutlons of slgnlfl- A study of the geographlc problems and adjust- the use of computers. Speclflc attentlon wlll be
, cant elements of human occupance of the ments of the peoples and countrles of the Pacl- glven to the deslgns and scales of maps for the
` earth's surface, Includlng baslc concepts of dlf- flc area. Reference to the strateglc nature of the most efflclent presentatlon of geographlc Infor-
fuslon, populatlon, mlgratlon, settlement locatlon. Prereq: One geography course. matlon. Prereq: One course In cartography.
forms, land utlllzatlon, Impact of technology
l on human occupance of the earth. (Fulfllls ele- GEO 536 GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA. _ (3) GEO 625 REGIONAL THEORY.‘ (3)
I mentary certlflcatlon requlrement for Educa· A reglonal study of Afrlca wlth emphasls on The concept of reglonal structure and Its appll-
. tlon and General Studles requlrement.) Afrlca south of the Sahara. Toplcal focus on catlon to geographlc problems, modes, llnkages,
polltlcal, soclal, economlc, and developmental clrculatlon and reglons. Methods of reglonal
GEO 255 GEOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC problems. ~ research and analysls In geography. Prereq:
· ACTIVITY (3) GEO 255 or equlvalent, or consent of the In-
The Interactlon of economlc and geographlc GEO 540 PRINCIPLES OF URBAN Structor.
_ factors on the locatlonal patterns of man's actI· GEOGRAPHY- . (3)
_ vltles. A study of the locatlon, growth and Internal GEO 630 REGIONAL STUDY OF _
structure of Amerlcan cltles. Emphasls ls on SPECIAL AREAS. (3)
GEO 407 DEVELOPMENT OF presentlng an overvlew of baslc concepts, The appllcatlon of the methods of reglonal In-
GEOGRAPHIC THOUGHT. (3) models and.theorIes used In urban geography. terpretatlon to speclal areas such as the
A survey of the evolutlon of concepts baslc to Prereq: a 100 or 200 level geography course or U.S.S.R., Medlterranean Basln, Carlbbean Re-
geography from the classlc perlod of anclent permlsslon of Instructor. glen, Mexlco, Central Europe, etc. May be re-
Greece, through the Age of Exploratlon, to peated once. Prereq: A prlor major or mlnor In
contemporary spatlal analysls. Prereq: Geo- GEO 541 GEOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVES ON geography or consent of Instructor.
graphy major and junlor standlng or consent of .CONTEMPORARY URBAN PROBLEMS. (3)
` Instructor. A study of a varlety of contemporary urban GEO 640 TRANSPORTATION
` problems from a geographlc perspectlve. GEOGRAPHY. (3)
GEO 500 INTRODUCTION TO Among the toplcs covered are: physlcal envlr- Conceptual and descrlptlve study of transport
` ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES onment and natural hazards, transportatlon, facllltles and patterns of movement wlth speclal
IN GEOGRAPHY. (3) sprawl, slums, ghettos, crlme, and land use pat- reference to the Influence of geographlc factors
An Introductlon to the gatherlng, presentatlon, terns. Prereq: GEO 540. In the creatlon, transformatlon, and maln-
and analysls of geographlc Informatlon. Prereq: tenance of transportatlon forms and functlons;
Geography major or consent of Instructor. GEO 542 POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. (3) the bearlngs of transportatlon on urban and
A study of polltlco-geographlc phenomena In reglonal development and on lndustrlal Ioca-
GEO 501 FIELD STUDIES IN thelr areal context, such as the analysls of tlon; Its role as an "organlzlng force" In eco-
GEOGRAPHY. (3) boundarles, geographlcal patterns resultlng homlc geography, Interactlon of transportatlon,
Introductlon to geography In the fleld. Student from the appllcatlon of governmental author- and reglonal development In dlfferent areas of
partlclpatlon In use of topographlc maps, aerlal Ity, the polltlcal vlablllty of state unlts, and the the world. Prereq: GEO 255 or equlvalent, or
photographs, and sampllng technlques for the spatlal (terrltorlal) varlatlons and Interrelatlon- consent of Instructor.
study of rural land use and urban, lndustrlal, SIIIDS of POIIIICGI ¤¤tIVItI¤$ ¤I'\d SYSNITIS-
and recreatlonal locatlon ratlonale. Organlzed GEO 643 URBAN TRANSPORTATION
local and reglonal fleld trlps. May be repeated GEO 543 URBANIZATION IN THE PLANNING. (3)
once. DEVELOPING WORLD. (3) A detalled revlew of the transportatlon plan- .
cltles and urbanlzatlon processes and problems ning process: Inventory mathodoloslas: trln sen-
GEO 505 CARTOGRAPHY. (3) In the developlng world of Asla, Latln Amerlca, eratlon, dlstrlbutlon and asslgnment wlth as-
A course In the constructlon and Interpretatlon and Afrlca are examlned. Whlle emphasls ls on soclated mathematlcal models and theories; pre-
of maps. Prereq: GEO 205. the cltles of the developlng world, Western dlctlon of future travel; land and use models; ·
cltles are dlscussed for comparatlve purposes. modal spllt; developlng and testlng proposed
GEO 520 GEOG RAPHY OF THE UNITED Prereq: GEO 540 or consent of Instructor. systems; slmulatlon. Prereq: CE 543 or equl-
STATES AND CANADA. : (3) valent and STA 381 or 681 or equlvalent statls-
A systematlc revlew of the physlcal, economlc, GEO 544 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY. (3) tlcs course. (Same as CE 643.)
hlstorlc, and cu'ltural characterlstlcs that dlstln- An analysls of populatlon dlstrlbutlons, loca-
gulsh U.S. and Canadlan reglons. Toplcal em- tlonal arrangements of growth, densltles, and GEO 652 SOIL CLASSIFICATION
phasls on the geographlcal aspects of reglonal mlgratlon flows; spatlal relatlonshlps between AND GEOGRAPHY. (3)
problems. populatlon _varIabIes and soclal, economlc, and A crltlcal evaluatlon of the concepts of soll
envlronmental factors. classlflcatlon, wlth partlcular reference to the
GEO 522 GEOGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY. (3) current U.S. scheme. Study of geographlc loca-
A study of the cultural, economlc and envlron- GEO 550 GEOGRAPHY OF . tlons and the nature of thelr soll assoclatlons as
mental characterlstlcs of Kentucky. Emphasls ls NATURAL RESOURCES. (3) related to gross conslderatlons of soll genesls.
placed on Kentucky geography In a reglonal Astudy of the characterlstlcs of resources, thelr Prereq: AGR 473, 581, or consent of Instruc-
and natlonal context. management and mlsmahagement. Impllcatlons tor. (Same as AGR 652.) a
I of resource utlllzatlon for the quallty of the
GEO 524 GEOGRAPHY OF envlronment. The Influence of Instltutlonal GEO 655 SPECIAL STUDY OF
LATIN AMERICA. (3) constralnts upon resource development, and the SYSTEMATIC GEOGRAPHY. (3)
An examlhatlon of Latln AmerIca’s physlcal role of perceptlons and attltudes In declslon The appllcatlon of the methods of systematlc V
envlronment followed -by a survey of the _re- maklng related to man's use of natural re- geography to partlcular speclal studles In
9Ion's polltlcal unlts wlth speclal emphasls on sources. toplcal areas, such as conservatlon, urban areas,
thelr vlablllty and key development problems. " Climatology. Cartosraony. or others. Pror<·=¤=
Prereq: one geography course. GEO 560 INDEPENDENT WORK Approprlate 500-level course work In system-
IN GEOGRAPHY. (3) atlc or toplcal geography (e.g., conservatlon,
GEO 526 GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. (3) lndlvldual research lnvolvlng such problems as: urban, cllmatology, cartography). May be re-
A study of the countrles of western Europe; (1) materlals and methods In teachIng"geo· peated to a maxlmum of slx hours.
thelr physlcal characterlstlcs, thelr cultural en- graphy: (2) the hlstorlcal evolutlon of geo- _
dowments, and the expresslon of these In re- graphy; (3) map readlng and lnterpretatIon:(4) GEO 695 SOCIA_L ECOLOGY. (3)
glonal varlatlons In the European landscape. speclal area studles; (5) other toplcs may be The study of the adaptatlon of human popula-
elected by consent of Instructor. May be re- tlons to thelr envlronment. An elaboratlon of
GEO 528 GEOGRAPHYOF ASIA. (3) peated once for a maxlmum of slx credlts. the prlnclples governlng communlty organlza-
A systematlc study of the physlcal, cultural, Prereq: Major and a standlng of 3.0 In the tlon wlth speclal emphasls glven to urban and
economlc, and polltlcal patterns and processes Department. metropolltan communltles. (Same as SOC 695.)
In the flve maln realms of AsIa·Southwest, ,
South, Southeast, East, and Sovlet Unlon; wlth GEO 565 TOPICS IN GEQGRAPHY. (3) GEO 700 QUANTITATIVE METHODS
more Intenslve analysls of partlcular reglons or Dlscusslon, readlngs, and papers focuslng on IN GEOGRAPHY. (3)
dynamlc changes. relevant toplcs In geography cllrected by a staff A survey of the appllcatlons of quantltatlve
· , member havlng speclflc competence for the- technlques to geographlcal problems, wlth em-
GEO 530 GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH ASIA. (3) toplcs under study. Current research develop- phasls on the use of models In Current 960-
A study of the human and economlc geography ments In partlcular geographlc subflelds wlll be QYBDIIIC IIt€r¤i¤r¢- SPCCIBI EITIPIIBSIS wlll be
of lndla, Paklstan, Bangladesh, Ceylon, Nepal, stressed. Prereq: Consent of Instructor. 9Il/Bn to the Int€I'Pl'¢IZatI0n of YCCGYII fI¤dIl’\9$ ln
Sllgklm and Bhutan Includlng the baslc physlcal physlcal, urban, economlc, and reglonal geo-
an cultural reglonallsms, land use and popula- — graphy, and In the preparatlon of the student
tlon problems, patterns of Industrlallzatlon, and   METHODS IN (3) for the further use of certaln technlques In hls
urban growth and economlc development. Fleld research rnetnodnlogw Deslgned as an ald own research. Prereq: An elementary course In
GEO 532 GEOGRAPHY OF to advanced students preparlng for Master or statlstlcal m°th°ds·
Ph.D. level thesls work. Toplcs Include: fleld
SOUTHEAST ASIA. · (3) problem deslgrn source rnaterlaly areal sarnp_ GEO 702 CONCEPTS IN GEOGRAPHY. (3) ,
A study or the human, economlc, and polltlcal llng. qumlonnglre c°mp0sltl,,,.,.' l,,l,,,,,l°wl,,g Contemporary seosranhlc Concepts and the- i
Patterns and processes In malnland and Insular t8cl.;nlqu°s_ fleld rnanplng, lcglstlcs, tlrna table orles are examlned wlth emphasls on concepts ‘
Southeast Asla, emphaslzlng the baslc reglons assessment' Organlzed fléld exerclgln Prereq: wlthln human geography, especlally wlth refer- j
and subreglons and the dynamlc changes affec- consent Ol? lnstructor for students ln allled sub_ ence to the economlc, urban cultural, and pop- I
ting them. lscls such as anthropology socldlogy or ulatlon subflelds wlthln the dlsclpllne. Prereq: ,
' ’ Graduate student status
psychology. May be repeated once. _ ·
231 I