motor performance tests are prlovlded. Lecture, capped, medlcally Incapacltated and mentally Ing the chlef recreatlon offlcer and hls staff
(1) two hours; laboratory, two hours. retarded. Prereq: HPR 571, 575 or consent of assoclates. Prereq: HPR 580 or consent of In-
k (_ . Instructor. structor.
:,,:5I HPR 472 KINESIOLOGY. (3)
hlgh A quantltatlve and qualltatlve study of human HPR 620 ADVANCED EXERCISE HPR 690 ORGANIZATION AND
r rec, motlon as It relates to locomotor and physlcal PHYSIOLOGY. (3) ADMINISTRATION OF THE
educatlon actlvltles. Lecture, two hours; Iabora- Almed at development of an In-depth under- . DANCE IN EDUCATION. (3)
tory, two hours. Prereq: ANA 206, PGY 206, standlng of the acute and chronlc adaptatlons Speclal emphasls ls placed upon the organlza-
or the equlvalent. of the human body to the stress of exerclse. tlon and admlngstratlojn of thje program -IIn
Lecture two hours· laboratory two hours per dance to meet t e nee s o stu ents rom ee-
ctfgg HPR 491 DANCE IN EDUCATION. (3) week. Prereq: HPR, 420 or consent of Instruc- mentary through college levels. Some attentlon
,th(,r An Introductlon to the creatlve approach to tor. · wlll be glven to dance productlon,gestIvalsJ;g
Off(_ folk ethnlc square and creatlve dance for ele- soclal dance functlons In schools. rereq:
two mentary, secondaryland college levels. The prln- HPR 621 EXERCISE AND CORONARV 290, 491, 592, 595.
clples of klnesthetlcs and rhythmlcal forms ap- HEART DISEASE. (3)
plled to the practlce of fundamental movement An examalnatlon and analysls of the theorles HPR 695 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN .
technlques. Two hours lecture and four hours relatlng the level of physlcal actlvlty to the PHYSICAL EDUCATION. _ (3)
(1) laboratory. development of heart dlsease. Dlscusslon of the A speclflc toplc ln physlcal edtuatlon related to
ctlce role of exerclse In the dlagnosls, preventlon and the student's Interests and program needs ls
and HPR 540 ORGANIZATION AND rehabllltatlon of heart dlsease. Prereq: HPR selected for lntenslve study. Work to be super-
Iona. (;g(I)§IéI:I(§&-DEINATION OF PHYSICAL (3) _ 420, 445 or consent of Instructor. vlsed by a graduate faculty member proflclent
· In the area under Investlgatlon. May be repeated
ture' PPIICIPS and P'°°°dI·II'°s °I a'·`In'IInI$II'aII°n on HPR 622 PHYSICAL FITNESS AND _ to a maxlmum of 6 credlts. Prereq: Consent of
the secondary school and colleglate levels. Spe- RELATED CONCEPTS, (3) Instructor.
E clal emphasls on constructlon and care of facIII· An rhdepth anarysgs of (he components of and
(3) tles. eqlllpment. and sIIP¤I‘VIsI0¤ of P¤l's¤l’Il`IeI· concepts related to physlcal fltness. Toplcal HPR 696 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN
Eder, Prere¤= HPR 344 or eeulvalcnh areas Ineluulngs physlologlcal components. RECREATION. (3)
_ phllosophlcal elements deflnltlonal de elop· A _ Ifl t I I tl I t d t th
(gm HPR 546 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ment, assessment, and slgnlilcance for m\odern StU;g?\i'$ clntgfegts nan?lcrg?o;gn:enae:ds I2 se:
rwnr WORKSHOP- (2) soclety wlll be studled. Prereq: HPR 420 and ected for lntenslve study. Work supervlsed by a
·-···» ;1..$??.°°2fII;?§ .‘§‘;‘.1¥.I2..€..iP:$ULi.:F§LLc‘;' HPR PPP- ¤H:HP:P *P·;;·H; RR··P;;RH,¤*°**¤*R2*,*: RP HP:
. · unernes aon. a ereeae oam -
if II¤¤· IVI¤¥ be I'°¤°¤I°