One of the greatest agricultural districts in America, Q: 
p  is efliciently served, both as to {passenger and freight  
  transportation, by the fast and frequent trains of the P 
Electric-lighted passenger equipment, convenient i  
schedules, rock—ballasted roadbed all combine to make  
your trip a pleasant one when you travel via the Queen  
& Crescent Route. A 
I . Six fast vestibuled trains, daily, between Lexing- { 
ton, Cincinnati and intermediate points.  
Six fast vestibuled trains, daily, between Lexing-  
l ton, Danville, Chattanooga and intermediate points.  
A Through electric-lighted trains, daily, to and from , 
points in  
i North and South Carolina, Tennessee, l  ·
T Georgia, Florida, Alabama,  
V . Mississippi and Lousiana  ·»
I For detailed information apply to nearest Ticket ix 
  Agent or address H. C. KING, P. & T. A. V ‘
  ,101 E. Main St.’ Lexington, Ky. · i 
;    Q
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