Inside Today's Kernel
Change considered tor biology courses:
Poge Two.

UK's first gymnast competes at Nashville: Page Six.

Editor discusses "The
Cross:" Poge Four.




'The Latest


Poge Four.





leader in the free speech movement
speak here Thursday: Page Eight.

top debaters are recognized:
Page Eight

Set May 10

Vol. LVI, No. 115

University of Kentucky

28, I9G5



Eight Pages






Graduation exercises for the
University's Centennial Class
will be held at 10 a.m. May 10
in Memorial Coliseum.
President John VV. Oswald will
preside over the commencement
ceremonies, and Col. James Alcorn will serve as chief marshal.
Procedures for the ceremony
will differ from previous years
in an effort to "get more faculty
into the ceremony" and start
new traditions.
Members of the faculty in
the commencement procession
will be marshaled by other faculty
members for the first time this
year and the graduating class
will be marshaled by members
of the junior class. Banners of
the various colleges will be carried by a junior who will sit at
the head of each college section
and lead the march to the stage
for the presentation of diplomas.
Another new addition to the
program will be a recessional to
close the ceremony.
Following the presentation of
the diplomas, which may be contained in special folders in honor
of the Centennial Year, Dr. Osof UK Student Government,
wald will turn the program over Winston. Miller, left, president-eleto Dr. Thomas B. Stroup, Uni prepares to cast his vote at one of five polling places in Tuesday's
versity marshal. Dr. Stroup will
give the signal for the recessional
to begin and persons seated on
the platform will leave, followed
by the faculty, the color guard
The other two candidates,
and Dr. Stroup.
Assistant Managing Editor
dismissMayne and Ralph Wesley,
Students will then be
In a near record turnout Tueswon 163 votes for president and
ed in place and, traditionally,
will throw their caps into the air. day, Winston Miller and John 211 votes for vice president, resO'Brien were elected president pectively.
Changes also have been made
The five voting places opened
in baccalaureate services. The and vice president of Student
at 8 a.m. Tuesday and three closCongress.
program scheduled for 4:30 p.m.
The total number of votes ed at 6
The other two,
May 9, has been changed to cast in the election was 2,447, located in p.m.
Donovan and Blazer
Baccalaureate-Vesper- s
just three short of the record cafeterias, remained open until
Dr. Wiley A. Welsh, presi2,450 cast in October, 1963, when 7 p.m.
dent of the College of the Bible,
Paul Chellgren won a
Before announcing the election
will be the guest speaker. The
race for president.
results shortly before 8 p.m. Tuesinvocation will be given by Miss
The total number of votes day night, outgoing SC President
Penny Price, senior from Earling-to- n cast for president-elec- t
Winston Steve Beshear said:
and Thomas Woodall, senior Miller was 1,222, while vice preside"I want to commend the stufrom Lexington, will give the nt-elect
John O'Brien received dent body for its participation
1,114 votes.
in this election. The 2,447 votes
Dr. and Mrs. Oswald will
PorThe Mike
cast is a near record vote for
give a reception for members of ter ticket was the closer contendelections on this campus.
the graduating class, their famier between the other four candi"To me it shows an increased
lies, friends, alumni, faculty and dates, with Jones receiving 768 interest and involvement in the
staff at 5:30 p.m. at the Alumni votes for president and Porter
workings of student government
receiving 818 for vice president. by the students of the Univer- ct

Kernel Photos by John Zeh

lection. Student Congress President Steve Beshear, right, announced
the rseults of the election Tuesday night.

Miller, O'Brien Win SC Election




Jones-Carso- n

Deans View Influences

Students Affect University Policy
Three deans of major univer
sities in a press conference said
Tuesday that university students
play a vital part in the formation
of university policy. But they
often remain unaware of it.
The deans were among about
confer40 attending a two-da-y
ence here on deans of liberal
arts colleges and state universities of the Mississippi Valley.
Dean Joseph Sutton of Indiana
University noted that "Students
have been making policy and always have. The problem has been
that there is no feedback and students are not aware of the
influence they have had."
This idea was reenforced by
Dean E. W. Ziebarth who said
"Students should participate in
forming university policy and
their participation ought to be
valued." Dean Ziebarth is from
the University of Minnesota.

He added that there were stuthe University of California last
dents on "virtually every major fall came about after these steps
committee" at the University of were taken there.
Minnesota, including the curriDean Sutton noted that Berkeculum committee on student behavior and a committee dealing ley's unrest was partly due to
communications problems within
with admission problems.
the University. He said students
"An extremely articulate stu- often do not appreciate the lack
dent on one of these committees of facilities and the shortage of
-- can exert as much influence academic personnel at the unias the faculty and even more," versities in this country.
said Dean Ziebarth.
It is the responsibility of the
Dean J. Osborn Fuller said university's administration to
that Ohio State University last establish better communications
year made "a conscious effort" between faculty and students,
to include students in the instiDean Ziebarth said. "But it also
process. must help create a climate where
The student council was invitit is understood that this kind of
ed to submit a report on what it communication is
considered to be important to the
"There must be a conviction
Deans Ziebarth and Fuller that communication will be proboth emphasized that much of the ductive. . .student participation
unrest on the Berkeley campus of should not be normal."
policy-makin- g

sity. Only through such participation by students can the student government meet the challenges of the second century and
establish a great University.
"I wish to offer my sincere
gratitude to the student body for
its participation in the election
and my hearty congratulations to
the new leaders of the student
A period of five days is open
in which the election results may
be contested.
The new president and vice
president will be inaugurated in
the Office of the President, John
W. Oswald, at 3:30 p.m. Friday.
By polling places, at the Student ('enter Miller received 371
votes, Jones 259, and Mayne 69,
out of a total 789 votes cast. For
vice president, O Brien won 339,
Porter 274, and Wesley 85 out of
the total.
At the Commerce Building,
Miller won 103, Jones 96, and
Mayne 7, from a total 234 votes
cast. For vice president, O'Brien
received 101 votes. Porter 93,
and Wesley 11 out of the total.
At Blazer Hall, Miller received 320, Jones 136, and Mayne
29 out of a total 548 votes cast
there. For vice president, O'Brien

received 285, Porter 164, and Wesley 34 out of the total.
At the Fine Arts Building,
Miller won 169 votes, Jones
and Mayne 24, out of a total
316 votes cast there. For vice
president, O'Brien received 174,
Porter 96, and Wesley 23 out of
the total.
10-1- ,

At Donovan Hall, Miller
received 259, Jones 173, and
Mayne 34, out of a total of 560
votes cast. For vice president, O'Brien received 215, Porter 191.
and Wesley 59 o I the total.
The election results have been
certified by the three election of

ficials Barry Porter, chairman
of the SC election committee;
David Havvpe, representative of
the Kernel; and Maija Avots, a
representative of the student
Ixxly, chosen by Porter.

At Covington
The second Community


lege Centennial Convocation will
be held Thursday at the Northern
Community College in Cov-

Following the first convocation last Thursday in Ashland,
and preceding seven other similar
events scheduled for other satellite colleges throughout the state,
the Covington ceremonial is set
for 10:30 a.m.
More than 60 persons from
the administration, faculty and
student body from the main campus will join NCC faculty, staff
and students for the event.
Alumnus Gilbert Kingsbury,
'33 and presently Executive
Director of the Kentucky Better
Roads Council, as well as a UK
Trustee, will deliver the convocation's main address. President John W. Oswald will introduce Mr. Kingsbury.
Other convocation program
participants include Centennial
Coordinator J. W. Patterson, Dr.
Ellis Hartford, Dean of the Community College system, and
Robert L. Johnson, vice president
for student affairs. Thomas
director of the NCC will
preside at the ceremonial in the
college's Assembly Room.
Other official representatives
Continued On Tagc 8

