m.‘...':’ GAYand
f?” LESBIAN The Legislative Advisory Committee of the
Oim’l‘ION Kentucky Fairness Alliance has been meeting on a
if Wham!» Kentucky regular baSIS Since mid-December in antICIpation of
another rough General Assembly Session, sched-
uled to begin February 2 Bluegrass members serv-
ing on the committee are Jennifer Crossen, Jim
@LSQ NEWS Dickinson, Lisa Haefele and Ardel Thomas.
Volume 20 Issue 2 There are a number of issues we expect to face.
Fairness Ordinances around the state are likely to be
published monthly by challenged by legislators during the current session.
The Lexington Gay Some want to prohibit loIcalI Icivil rights laws all
. . together (House Bill 81) by limiting the scope of local
LeSblan SBI‘VICE civil rights ordinances. A new twist for this year's
Organization session is a proposal coming out of Louisville that
would put basic fairness ordinances up to a popular
389 Waller Ave. vote, county by county. (HB 104)
Editor KFA is also concerned about renewed attacks on
our families. Attempts to ban GLBT from becoming
Mary Crone _ , _ ,
adoptive or foster parents are in the works. This kind
Board Members of policy is based on prejudice and forces the state
to discriminate against children by denying them lov-
Thomas Collins, President ing, stable homes. ~
Sarah Martin, Vice-Pres- Your family story is the most powerful tool we
Ben Salyers, 590- have in this fight. Join us in our efforts to reach leg-
Mary Cmne, Editor islators over the coming weeks through letters and
Joan Branon personal visits to Frankfort (see insert - page 11)
Tom COHiIlS There are also positive steps being taken.
JOhn Cornett Advocates from across the state have come togeth-
Tel‘l'y Mullins er to push for a Safe Schools Bill that would protect
Jen Sayer all children from harassment and bullying in public
Bill Chandler, schools. In conjunction with our allies, KFA will be
Office Manager planning a rally and press conference with respect to
the Safe Schools initiative.
GLSO Annual Dues & in addition to safe school legislation, supportive
Newsletter $20 representatives will soon be filing legislation which
would ban discrimination in employment, housing
Opinions expressed in the GLSO and accommodations on the basis of sexual orienta-
NeWS are those 0f the “more and tion or gender identification. KFA will continue to
don’t necessarily represent those of _ , ,
the eLso Board submissions are push for passage of this measure by growmg out list
welcome and staff reserves the right of co-sponsors and lobbying. We need phone cap-
to edit SmetSSions and advertise" tains. If you would like to be a phone captan and
ments as well as the right to reject
submissions or advertisements. help us call our members about urgent legislative
issues, please call Jennifer Crossen at 299-7410.
See more Fairness News on pages 11, & 14 - 15.
GLSO Page 2