' 1

State of Kentucky, )
l bot.
County of Boyd. l
I, Mayme L. Sweany, a Notary Public, in and for

the above County and State, do certify t at the foregoing
depositions Of I. W. Thomas, J. A. Feridith, Geo B. Bartholomew,
A. A. Kilnon and J. 1. King, were taken before me at the
timc and place Ntmioi in the caption; that suit nitnesocs
YOPU duly sworn bcfore giving their deposition; that it was
written by no in chorthand in their pruncnoe and afterwards
transcripoi,- and aftorvurds each depositions was read by the
party giving it and then hubscribed to by each Of them in my

I further certify tfiat K. W. Thomas of Plaintiffs
was present together with L. F. Zerfoss, Attorney for plaintiffs
and that defcndant was neither presont in person nor by
Attorney. 0

Ly Commission expires Feb. Flat, 1910.
77 Given under my hnnf this the 18th day of February,
flaws. A
Wm, "Boyd CO icy, Ky,"—