A- 1 dont know. 1 have heard some nerd tnings ,
about Mr. Postlethwnite.
g He has been an official of xxaxxnmnxinxxtnnnkxx
fiinx a town of twenty-five thousand population?
A- He was Chief Police there awhile, I think.
Q- He has been Treasurer of the City of Bluefield
_ and been Chief Police of the City and is now Magistrate?
A- That might possibly be so.
Q- Mr. Casey is likewise a representative and reputable
honorable~man of the City of Bluefield, is he not, the man
you-sold the Dry Cleaning plant to? V
A- Yes, sir, but Jr. Casey made some misstatements
. in that deposition. \ '
Q- A great many witnesses hare testified in this
case, have made false statements, have they not?
\ (Plaintiff objects -- Sustained by the Court, ’
and Defenaant objects -~
e~ and you want the jury to believe you are the sole ‘
embodiment of truth and honesty to the exclusion of emery o
othet witness who testified?
(Plaintiff objects -- Sustained by the Court,
and defendant excepts ~-
BY THE COURT: Gentlemen of the Jury, you will not consider
that question.
Q- A. J. Hearn is a reputable and honorable man of
the City of Bluefield, isnt he? 5
A— AS far as 1 know; _
Q: But he made misstatements of facts. tood, didnt be?
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