f _
;~ Dhat is too affect thought or about the
bubstanee of tho rOason why a they never refused—to pay
‘ a single claim ;ou notified tnem about. did they?
A - =3 81“: .‘.-ii") 137 .
.- 3811 the jury mhat claims they refused to pay? ‘
A~ The Jharlie soorge suit after being asked
direct to i:. Vaughan, anfi he knows it.
g~ Do you Know the reaoon why they didnt pay the
Charlie George claim promptly?
A- Ho, Sir, I do not.
Q- What was you going to Say ~ ask a question?
A- He knew it was good, because it has been gone
over two or three tines.
\;- Lets see whether it baa been gone over three or
four times?
A— I dont Know the reason why.
u* Lo yea know the reason Why they didnt pay the
Beorge clain promptly? . .
A— No, I said I didnt know. i
Q- YOu still refuse to let me finish the question?
A— l thougnt you was through. Excuse me.
- Q~ The reason why Was because the fleed wasnt ‘
attached to the draft?
A- no. but the deed had been sent, Jr. Ritz, several ‘
days :31 before the draft was made to the home office.
I @« Wasnt the deed put in the Clerk's Office now?
859 x '