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FLUKE} :LiIRLZTI'j‘ {Rd-{3'15}
Frank Kidd. ‘ Gonteatant and Plaintiff.
V53 . if??? I'? I8}: .
7 R. %. Lawson, Cuntestee ané Defendant.
The plaintiff and contestant, Frank
, » Kidd, says that be is a citizen and reaiaent of Floyd
Ceunty, Kentucky, and of School District Re. 329,
fiivision 3 of the Common School fiistrict of Floyfi County,
Ksntunky.v ?hat ne-is over the age of twenty~ene years ‘
’ . and has been a resident of the Said Hiat?iat No. 329 .
- for a longer period than sixty days next before October
4, 1919, and that he is able to reaé and write. _
That heretofore, on the fdurth day of
‘ Sotober; 1919. said faurth day of tctober being the first
Saturday in Catcher, an eiection was held at the scuool—
hcuse in fichool aistriot Ho. 329, Division 3 of Floyd ‘
, . Caunty, Kentucky,.for School Trustee in said Sub-Histrict.
That at said election this plaintiff and contestant,
Frank Kidd, and the fiefendant and contesfiee, R. B. Lawson,
. were eacn candidates for office of Samuel Trustee in said
' Sonaal;3istrict.‘ Tue plaintiff and contestant says . -
that aaid,election by law was required to be held between, '
- the hours of one o'clock E. E. and five o'clock Pf E. on