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aglpnal Kay, Jr. Plaintiff _
, vss: P'ZTITIOK ;gg mum?
Tet Allan Cope Bafandant
The plaintiff Colonal Hay, Jr. says that he is the
' ownar anfi has the legal titla to tha following dascribad
parsonal preperty, to wit:-
‘ 1. Picture of Cclonal Mag, Jr. inaluding frama now hanging
on the landing of ata rs in tha building davised by
3. P. Arnold, daceaseé, to Tot Allan Gopa. Valua 050.00.
2. Commiasion of Galonal A. a. gay, fathar 0f Cclonel Kay,
5?. in tha Confedarata Vataran 3 Army new banana on
' wall in the parlor of the building of the raaidenea
‘ deviaaé by E. P. Arngld to Tot Allan Cope. Commifiion
anfi frame valuaa at $50.00. ‘
, 5. fina'larga pofitavy umbrella stand of the valua 0f

4. One faathsr bafi of the valua of 615.00.

_ 5. Qna china or plastic cupfl colorad, with tha mama 0f
' Colemal May, 3?. on aama valued at $5.00. '
6. Pict‘um and frama of twovdogs hanging on wall at raft
of front éoer of tha raaidance daviaad by 2. E. arnold,
, decaaaad, to Tot Allan Cops, of bhe valua of €50.00
7. Che figure light on nawal post at foot of staira in
. ‘ tha residanca daviaafl by 3. P. Arnolfi, aacaaaad, to
Tot Allan Gope which was taken fram the nqwal post
of tha proparty ownaa by wall may fiilkarson, mothar
of Colonal Hay, Jr., of the value of $50.00.
. 8. Four black ané whita figura picturea and frames
Value at $20.00. .
0. Una sat at dishes with gold rim thareon known as the
E911 may china or the value of $300.00.

10. Ona picture of Hall May Wilkersbn, Mother of tha
plaintiff, ané tha frama, now hanging at tbs head of
the staira in tha rasidance davised by a. P. Arnold,
daeaaaed, to Tot Allen Cope. Valued at $25.00.

11. Qua larga mahogany rocksr, maid rocker i3 located or
within a abort tima ago was locatad in the room of
Victoria Arnold and ?d P. Arnald, in the rasidanoa
@evisad by 3. P. Arnold to Totafillan Copa. Valued at