America and United States.

the Siege of Yorktown. 8vo. boards, uncut,
pp. 48. Philadelphia, 1853.            76
147 First Century of the Republic (The): A
Revievw of American Progress. By Eugene
  Lalene, Edward H. Knright, Hon. David
  A. Wells, etc. 8vo. cloth. New York. 5 00
148 Garden (Alexander). Anecdotes of tbo
Bev--utianry   War   in  America, with
Sktethes of Character of Persons the most
]jsinguti-s&hd in the Southern States for
Civil so' S Military Se rvice. 8vo. boards,
edges entirely oncut pp. 4!59. Charleston,
1822.  tl,   The  second Series.   12im,
boards, 'dges  entirely  uncut, pp. 240.
Charle-to-, 1828. Together, 2 vols. filne set,
in perict ionditior.                10 00
149 The Saruo  I Firct Series. 8vo. sheep. 3 00
150 The-snme. Second Series. 12mo. new half
mn ro,co extra, gilt tp, uncut edges. Charles-
ton, t828.                          6 00
151. Ani'thcr edition, containing the first aiid
  second series, complete, and additional an-
  ecd ttes, illustrative of Garden's itevolu-
  tisilse  tnv-dote. Edited by T. W. Field.
  3 vs. bIiund in one, 8vco. half morocco pp.
  438   l44+221. Nsew York, 1865.     7 30
112 Geographical, Historieal, and Coinmer-
cial Vise-v. of the United States of Amrerica;
fsrniiig a complete Emigrait's Directory.
  3lsss. Os a. boards, uncut, pp. 762. L.ii-
  deI, 162o.                          2 00
153 Gilpin (WXillitiln)  Mission 'f the Nortli
  A sri'III 1 People Ueorapliicall, Socilarid
  Poitical. Ilu-tstad by -i. charts, d0iine-
  atirig tie Pliy ial Architecture arid Thlr-
  rnli Laws or aill Contirieiits.  bvo. tli,
  pp. 217. Pbiladelphia, 1s73.        1 .7,0
154 Galdsborough (Charles XV.) The Uiiit.d
  Statir Naval Chronicle. Vol. 1. oIIpllete'.
  8-. paper, pp. 407. Washiiigoln, 1824. 75
155 Gordon ( William). The History of the
  Pi-c. Pcosrress, aiid Establislrinent oi' the lIi-
  dei, uslerice 'it the United States of Anmer-
  ica; iniclulirig an Arcotint of the late War,
  anl ',f the fhirteen Colhnies from their
  Ori4iln to that Period. 3 vols. 8vo. full
  bosnl'S. -New York, 1794.           5 00
156 Arnother edition.  Maps.  4 vols. 8vv.
  bhert,, usicut edges. London, 1788. A nice,
  clean copy, in diue condition.      8 00
157 Grahame (James). The History of the
  ill'- arid Progress of the Uiiited States of
  America tdl the British Revolution in 1688.
  2 vO,4. 8va. biarda, uncut edges, pp. 631, 527.
  London, 1827.                       3 50
158 Grahame (Jamesi. The History of the
  United States of America from the Planta-
  tion of the British Colonies till their Assump-
  tion of National Independence. 2 vols. 8vo.
  cleth, pp. 3OS-619. Philadelphia, 1852. 4 00
169 Another edition. 4 vole. 8vo. cloth. Phila-
  delphia, 1845.                      6 00

160 Grattan (Thomas C.) Civilized America
   Map. 2 vols. 8cr. full calf, iseat, pp. 444,
   517. London, 18.59.                  7 50
161 Great Industries (The) of the United
  States. Being an Historical Suriinary of the
  Origin, Growth, and Pcrfe-tioin ot' the Chief
  Industrial Arts of this ( U'r nritry.  illus-
  trated. 8vo. full bound,pp. 131i. Hartford,
  1872.                                2 54)
  162 Green (Samuel A.) Paul L.ot's Diary.
  , May-Deceniber, 1 7.5.  hvo. paper, uncut,
  pp. 19. Boston, 1872.                  75
  163 Greene (Geo. Washington). A Histori-
  c.l View of thie Amneicatn Revolution. 8yo.
  cloth. New York.                     I 6fG
164 Greene (Geo. Wiishington). The German
   Element in the War of American Inde-
   pendence.    l2rno. cloth.   New    York,
   1875.                                1 u0
165 Griffith (William). Historical Notes of
   the American   ("nlonies anid  Revolution,
   from  1754 to 177.5. 13y Williani Griffith,
   Esq., of New J-rsev. Published by his Ex-
   ecutors. 8vo. biards, pp. 300. Burlington,
   N. J. 1843.                         10 00
 166 Hadley   IV. 11.)   American Citizen's
   3Manfial of Refereince. Being aii Historical
   and Statistical View ot the U tited States.
   -8vc. pape-r, pp. 102. Ne!w Ynrk, 1840.  30
167 Hale ( Edicard E.) line Hundre-d Years
   Ag-o. How the WVar Began. 8v.. paper,
   pp. 40. Bostoii, 1875..                50
16 I-s H31e rSaila). history of the United
  States, fr'nnii truirir First SettlnieLit as Colo-
  nies to th(e Cli-e ,f the .Xdi-iniitrativn of
  Mr. Madissn, in 1e17. 2 v,'ls. 18nsv. cloth,
  'New York.                           1 50
  i161 Hamilton (.Jo'hn C.. The Federalist. A
  Cnomminitary on  the Cinstitution of the
  United Stsites. A C(lleetioin of Essays by
  Alexa-lder Iliamiikn, JIsV, and  Madison.
  Also, the Continental and other Papers  2
  -ils. royal dvo. cloth, uncut.  Philadel-
  phia, 186.5.                        10 00
.170 Hamilton (John C.) History of the Re-
   public of the Uiiited .States, as traced in the
   Writinsgs f' Alexander Ihanilton and his
   Con.tempsraries. 7 vols. Svv. cloth. Phila-
   delphia.                            22 50
 171 Haskel (D.) and Smith (,J. C.) A Com-
   plete Descriptive arid Statistical Gazetteer
   of the United States of America. Contain-
   lig Particular Descriptions of the State;
   Counties, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Lauses,
   Railroads, etc., etc. 8vo. sheep, pp. 7.52.
   New York, 1845.                      3. 00
172 Haven (C. C.) A New Historic Manual
   concerning the Three Battles at Trenton
   and Princeton, New Jerseytduring the War
   for American Independence, in 177e-7.
   . Photographa. 16mo. cloth, pp. 132. Tren-
   ton, 1871.                           1 76