America and United &watea.


173 Henry (John J.) Account of Arnold's
  Campaign against Quebec, and of the Hard-
  ships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes
  who traversed the Wilderness of Maine
  from Cambridge to the St. Lawrence, in the
  Autumn of 1775. Map. 12mo. cloth, un-
  cut, pp. 198. Albany, 1877.          2 00
174 Henry (John Joseph). An Accuirate and
  Interesting Account of the Hardships and
  Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who tra-
  versed the Wilderness in the Campaign
  against Canada, 1775. 16mo. sheep, pp. 225.
  Lancaster, 1812.                     2 50
175 Another edition. 12mo. sheep, pp. 212.
  Waterton, N. Y. 1844.               2 (i0f
176 Higginson (T   e W) Young Folks' His-
  tory of the United States. 12mo. cloth.
  Boston, 1875.                        1 50
177 Higginson (T. W.) Young Folks' Boik
  of American Explorers. 12mo. cloth. Bos-
  ton, 1877.                           1 vf
178 Hildreth  (Richard).   History of the
  United States. First Series: From the First
  Settlement of the Country to the Adoption
  of the Federal Constitution. 3 vols. Sec-
  ond Series: To the End of the Sixteenth
  Congress. 3 vols. In all, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth.
  New York.                           18 00
179 History of North America. Containing
  an Exact Account of the First Settlements,
  their Situation, Climate, Co-m-rce, Cities,
  Rivers, etc., with the Present State of the
  Different Colonies, and a Large Introduc-
  tion. Map. 12mo. sbeep, pp. 284. Lon-
  don, 1776.                           2 00
180 History (The) of the American Revolu-
  tion, in Scripture Style. To which is added
  the Declaration of Independence, the Con-
  stitution of the United States of America,
  and the Farewell Address of General Wa-h-
  ington. lmo. pp. 264. Frederick County-
  Md., 1823.                           1 0:
181 History (The) of the Civil War in Amer-
  ica.  Comprehending the Campaigns of
  177.5, 1776, and  1777. By an Officer of
  the Army    [Major  Hall .   Vol. I (all
  ever published). Map. gv0- boards, ,edgse
  entirely uncut, pp. 413. London, 1780. f; 00
182 History of the United States, from their
  First Settlement of the Colonies to the Close
  of the War with Great Britain in 1815. 8v'i.
  boards, uncut, pp. 467. London, 1826. 2 00
183 History of the War in America, between
  Great Britain and her Colonies, from its
  Commencemenit to the Conclusion in 1783,
  with a Collection of Interesting and Authen-
  tic Papers to elucidate the Hi.tory. Large
  map and folding plates, list of wounded at
  Banker Hill, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 399-432.
  Dublin, 1779.                        4 50
184 Holcombe (James P.) Sketches of the
  Political Issues and Controversies of the

  Revolution. 12mo. paper, pp. 63. Rich.
  mond, 1856.                            50
185 Holmes (Abiel). The Annals of America,
  from the Discovery by Columbus in the year
  1492 to 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, pp.
  584-599. Cambridge, 1829.           5 00
186 Another edition. 2 vole. 8vo. half bounds
  Cambridge, 1808.                    4 50
188 Holmes (Isaac).    An Account of the
  United States of America, derived from
  Actual Observation, during a Residence of
  Four Years in that Republic. 8vo,. boards.
  uncut, pp. 476. London ;182:3).      3 75
189 Hough (Franklin B.) The Northern In.
  vasion if October, 1780. A Series of Papers
  relating tim the Expeditions from Cam-sda,
  under Sir John Johnson and others, against
  the Frontiers of New .York, which were ssp
  posed to  have cinnectiun  with Ar-eld's
  Treason. Royal 8vo. paper, uneut, pp. 224.
  Bradford Club Series, No.6. (Only sventy.
  five copies printed for subscribers.) New
  York, 1866.                          7 00
  190 Howitt ([Mary). A   Popular Hitory of
  the United States of America, from the Dis-
  coverv of the American Continent to the
  Prese;lt Time. Illustrated. 2 vol. 12:no.
  cloth, pp. 406, 387. New York, 1864). 3 50
  191 Howland (Edward). Annals of North
  America. Being a concise A-emtlit of the
  Settlement and P'rmgress of the Lnited States,
  the Britinh  American  Provirm ee , aiiml .,exico,
  dating from the Discovery of America up to
  the Present Time (1492-1877). Illustrated
  Svo. cloth. Hartford, Conn., 1877.  3 10
, 192 [Ingersol (Charles J.)]  Inchiqain, the
   Jesui's Letters, during a late Resid,:nce in
   the United Stawes of America.     lcing s
   fragment if a Private Corresponldr nl::e accl-
   dentally discovered in Eur:spe. By s4ome
   Unknown Foreigner. 8vo. half bound. pp.
   1 65. New York, 1810.               2 25
 193 Jeffreys(Thomas). The Naturil and Civil
   History of the French Do-oinmiom- in N earth
   aud South America. Gisving a I ,rtieular
   Account of the Climate, Soil, Mlinm nia etc.
   and a Description of Canada and Ls,:-is5a.
   Mlaps and plans of the prin. ipal plices.
   Partsoneandtwo. Folio, calf pp. lm8+246
   London, 1760.                       10 00
 194 Jennings (Louis J.) Eighty Years of
   Republican  Government    il the united
   States.  12mo. cloth, pp. 288.   London,
   1868.                               1 75
 19-5 Johnson (Joseph). Traditiols and Rem-
   iniscences, chiefly of the Americla ltevolu-
   tion in the South. Including Bijmgriiphicl
   Sketches, Incidents and Anecdotes., few ef
   which have been published, particularly If
   Residents in the Upper Country. By Joseph
   Johnson, of Charleston, S. C.   Bvy. hAlf
   morocco, gilt top, pp. 592.  A  beautifl
   copy, with san Autogrsph Letter of thO