CINCINNATI.]              America and

ments, Laws, Politics, and Resources; of the
characters of their Presidents, Governors,
  L-gislators. etc., and of the Manners, Cus-
  to-. M1srals, Religion, and Vices of the
  Pp ,,cl, C orprising alo a Complete Series
  af lli'torical Documents and Remarks, fr,,m
  the end of the War in 178:3 to the Election
  f tie, President in March, 1801. 12 vols.
  1, cloth. London, 1801.            1G 00
92 Coffin (C. C.)  The Boys if '76. A His-
  tr  of the Battles of the Revoluti-a. 1l-
  lrstriated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 398. New York.
  1T,i.                              3 00
93 Coles (Edward).  History of the Ordi-
  ,isc of 1787. 8vo. paper. pp. 33. Phila-
  delphis, 1856.                        G0
94 Collins (S. It.) The Emigrants Guide to
  the  United  States of America.   Map.
  12,ine. boards, pp. 134. Hull, 1829.  1 0)
95 Considerations on the Measures Carrying
  On, sith respet to the British C.olnies in
  Nor,-th Amnlerica. 8vo. half morocco, pp. T3
  New, York, 1774.                    2 00
96 Constitution (The) of the United States,
  scitli the Fifteen Ametidnients, the Declara-
  tin of ftidependene, the Articles ,f Con-
  f'.ratiol and Washington's Farewell Ad-
  dr,.s.  boo. paper, pp. 00.  Cincinnati.
  11                                   2;5
97 Constitutions of the Sixteen States which
  ccoipo-o  the Confederited   'epublic of
  Arr. rii i to swhich are predx1ed the Declara-
  tin of lndlepeidence, A rtikccs of Confied-
  eration, etc., and the Constitution of the
  Vtiiied Stites, with all the A iendttient;.
  l    1-is. sheep, pp. 300. Boston, 1797.  1 00
98 Contest (The) in Anri(!ria betsve-n Great
  Britaih sand France.  Gis-itg the Viesso and
  D.ions of the Frenc h, the Interests if
  Gnat lBritain, etc. By an Impartial hand
  [Dr. 1itchell].  l2mo. calf, pp. 244. Lin-
  der 1757.                           2 00
  99 Atlier copy. Half sheep.          2 00
  18i Convention between the French Republic
  arid the United States of America. l;lmo.
  pal-lr, uncut,  pp.  21.  [Washington].

  101 Cooper (J. Fenimore). History of the
  ' -i s ,f the United States of America.
  (P , inueed to 1860, from the Author's Manu-
  Nprgts, and other authentic sources. Three
  Scale es in one. Portrait. 8vo. full bsund,
  Pp. 01, 248, 110. New York, 1866.  4 00
  10" Cooper (J. Fenimore). History of the
          the United States of America. 2
   IN  , hon. cloth, pp. 456-658.  London,
                                      3 50
 103 \ other edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf.
   Paris 1819.                        2 00
 104 Cooper (J. Fenimore).   Letter to his
   (Oar trynen.  8vo. paper, pp. 94.  New
   York, 1884.                          60

105 Cooper (Rev. Mr.) The History of North
  America, containing a Review of the Cus-
  toms and Mtanners of the Original Inhabit-
  ants. Numerous plates. 16.o. boards, pp.
  184. London, 1789.                   1 26
106 Cooper (Thomas). Some Information
  respecting America. Map. 8vo. calf. Lon-
  dsn, 1794.                           1 76
107 Correspondence relating to the North
  American Biundary. In continuation of
  the  Correspondence  presented  to  both
  Ilmises of Parliament in 1838. Folio, paper,
  pp 16;7.                             1 60
108 Coxe (Tench). A view of the United
  States of America, in a series of Papers
  written between the vears 1787 and 1794.
  Sro. sheep. Dublin, 1796.            2 00
109 Another edition. 8vo. sheep. Philadel-
  phia, 1794.                          2 00
110 Coxe (William). Acciunt of the Rus-
  sian Discoveries between ASia and America.
  Mtaps and platen. 8vo. full bound, pp. 454.
  L.,idon, 1787.                       3 25
111 Dana (E.) Description of the Principal and Roites, by Land and Water,
  thriugh the Territory of the United States.
  12ins,. half m-rocco, tilt top, uncut edges,
  pp. 108. Cincinnati, 1819.           3 60
112 Dawson (Henry B.)     The Assault on
  Stsn, Point by General Anthony Wayne,
  July  i, 1779. With a Mep, Fac-similes,
  .nd Illustrative -Notes. Imp. 8-oo boards,
  -ncut. -iily 250 printed.  Morrisiana, N.
  Y1., lA1.                            7 00
113 Another copy. Half moroceo, extra gilt
    top, uncut edges.                  8 50
114 Dawson (Hlenrv B.)     Batthls of the
  United States by Sea and Land. enbracing
  those of the Revolutionary  i!isd Indian
  Wars, War of 1812, and    Mlexi.can War.
  Steel plates. 2 vols. 4to. half unoriseco, gilt
  edges. New York, 1858.               9 00
115. Davenport ( Bish.p).  A  History and
  New Gazetteer; or, Geographical Diction-
  iiry of North America and the West In-
  dies.  Illustrated.  8vo. sheep, pp. 592.
  New York. 1842.                      2 00
116 Davies (Charles).  An Address on the
  Centennial Aniversarv of the Battle of
  Buiker Hill. 8vo. paper, pp. 23. New
  York, 187.5.                           80
117 Denison (Mlary A.) The Days and Ways
  of the Cocked Hats: or, The Dawn of the
  Revolution. 12m-,. half calf, neat, pp. 383.
  New York, 1860.                      2 25
118 De Pradt (31.) The Colonies, and the
  Present American Revolutiniss. Svo. new
  half calf, neat, pp. 501. London, 1817. 2 50
119 Detail (A) of Some Particular Services
  performed in America, during the years
  1776, 1777, 1778, and 1779. Compiled from
  Journals and Original Papers taken from

United States.