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The necessary expenses of a student while at College need not exceed
the following estimates. As a rule the less pocket-money allowed by parents _
or guardians, the better it is for the pupil. When supplies of pocket—money V
are kept short the opportunity for contracting vicious habits is correspond-
ingly diminished. Students should not be allowed by their parents to create
any debts. All money intended for the use of the students should be
deposited with the Commandant. ` `
For a county appointee, occupying a room in the dormitory, the neces-
sary expenses are as follows :
Tuition free .................................................... $00 00
Matriculation free .... . ......................................... 00 oo
Gymnasium free ...................................,........... oo oo
Room rent free ................................ . .... . .......... oo 00
Use of furniture .............,...............................i.. 2 50
\Vashing, about .,.....................................l........ IO oo
Uniform .................................,......,............... 16 00
Books, about ............. , .........,........................... 10 oo
Total ........ . .........i........ .. .........,.. . ........... I 38 50
Board in clubs, $2 per week; in families, $3 to $4. For students not
county appointees the necessary expenses are :
Tuition for Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Mining Engi-   y
necring .................... . ................................. $40 oo
Tuition for Classical, Scientitic and Normal School Courses,. .. 25 oo
Matriculation fee, ................................ . .............. S oo
Gymnasium fee, ............ . .............................l...l.. 5 oo
For each laboratory, fee ........................................ 5 00 ‘ l'
Washing, about ...... . .......................................... IO oo
Room and furniture ............................................. 20 oo
Uniform ......................................................... 16 oo
Books, about, ................................................... IO oo
Board in clubs, about $2.00 per week; in families, $3 to $4. All who
occupy rooms in dormitories make a deposit of $5 to cover damage done
during their occupancy. This is refunded at the close of the year, less the
amount of damage assessed against the depositor.
Board and lodging are provided in Patterson Hall for young women, at
$3 per week, they furnishing their own bed clothes and towels. This hand-
some three-story building, a fourth of a mile from the college, can accom-
modate 125 students.
l By order of the Board of Trustees a fee of $5 will hereafter be charged ·
for each diploma issued by the College.
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