· s·rA·rrc conmmn or xnnrucxv. 137 ,
3_ A course in X-ray work is offered to Physicians and others who may    
wish to operate X-ray machinery and do work in X-ray photography, with  
practice in photographing fractures, dislocations, necrosis, stone in the ;
° ` bladder or kidney, gall Stones, bullets or other foreign bodies,  
Time, three weeks ; fee $25. Fee for Course 1, $10; for Course 2, $12 ;  
for both, $20. . { 
The Department of Physics is supplied with all necessary apparatus,  
7 ` including a iirst—class X-ray outfit. Students have opportunity to learn  
something of X-rays, radium and wireless telegraphy. "
The courses will extend from june 18th to ]uly 29th. Correspondence . 
solicited. ‘ ii 
DR. Piwox.  
The Course in Physiology, consisting of lectures, demonstrations and Y
laboratory exercises, is intended to illustrate the fundamental laws of physi-
ology and the phenomena on which they are based. The subjects to be
considered are: Muscle, its appearance, histology, chemical composition
and physiology; Haemodynamics, the circulation of the blood and lymph;
Normal Haematology, clinical examination of the blood and blood cor-
puscles; the anatomy and physiology of the eye and ear. `
.»» Credit is given in the College for work done in the school. `
"' B The course will begin june llth and end july 10th. Fee, $10.
V lv. THE SCHOOL or usznm. ARTS. _
“  The session extends from ]une llth to August 17th.
  The purpose of this school is to help students-
  1. Remove conditions from their work in the College.
  2. Even up work neglected through irregular classification. ,l
. 3. Shorten or lighten their work in the College. °
4. Prepare for the entrance examination in September. · ,
5. Review their studies in accredited schools. ' _
The instruction embraces-  
l. 'l`he College courses in Mathematics, Astronomy, English, Greek,
Latin, French, German, Spanish, History, and Anglo-Saxon.
2. The Academy courses in all the subjects preparatory to either year
of the Academy or the Freshman class of the College.
Last summer instruction was given in all these subjects, and more than
four-fifths of our students passed.
' Students prepared for any college or university.
Fee for each subject, in advance, $7.50 -
For bulletin of information address- _ ,
J. Mormon Davis or T. T. JONES, Lexington, Ky. g