The power of education has never been shown so impressively as in the sudden and O"
stupendous development of the limited resources of the German Empire since l87I. ·
I. Natural ]?es0urce:.—1. An area of 208,788 square miles (Texas has 265,780; that is, .
Texas is larger than Iowa (56,025) and the German Empire together,) 2. A good climate, __ X
but with little variety. 3. A soil mostly poor (65 per cent. of it cultivated.) 4. No great l
mineral wealth exceptin coal, lignite, iron, common and potassic salt, with much zinc and con-
' siderable copper, lead and silver. 5. Only 300 miles of ocean coast with 3 harbors;
830 miles of Baltic coast with 6 harbors. 6. Nine navigable river systems, none of them
being large except the Elbe, which is less than the Ohio, and the Rhine, which alone has
always water enough for a good navigable river.
[I. Added Re.va1¢rce:—1. About 59,000,000 of a vigorous, industrious, knowledge-
seeking and knowledge-applying race (280 to the square mile). 2. Thirty two cities of
more than 100,000 inhabitants each, and fifteen of more than 200,000. 3. The largest and
finest army in the world (606,000 men in peace, 3,000,000 in war). .4. A navy third in size and
possibly second in efficiency. 5. A merchant marine (in 1901) of 3,883 vessels in the ocean
service, and 22,564 in the coasting and inland trade, some of Germany's 1390 ocean liners
being among the biggest, fastest, finest ships that cross the seas, and h0me—huilti
6. A commerce second to Great Britian’s alone (exports in 1901, $1,094,66],610; imports, ,:4
$1,372,41],910). 7. The best consular service and the best commercial schools to prepare if )
young men in languages and otherwise for foreign trade. 8. Manufactures "unparalleled i-Q
among the nations, and mostly due to advanced technical education", and ernhracing, in
forms of the highest excellence, nearly all the products needed for the use of nian. 9. in `
1900, 36,270 miles of railways, and 1519 miles of canals. 10. Agriculture and st0ck—hreeding, · .·'
to which however much less attention is devoted since (in 1871) the Germans turned to com-
merce, manufactures and ship·building. 11. Forestry. The forests covering a fourth of
the surface, and being under State protection and scientific culture, yield a large annual
revenue, the forests and public domain of Prussia yielding a yearly average of $20,000,000
12. The production of books, books on nearly every imaginable subject and in*many l
languages, Germany producing in 1904, 28,378 works (France, 12,139; Great Britain, 8,334; l
and the United States, 8,291), 13. The crowning glory of Germany, the chiefsource of her
growth and power, her schools of all grades, conceded by intelligent educators everywhere
to be the best in the world; 59,300 common schools, or about 1.000 to every million of people.
` with compulsory attendance of pupils, and reducing the average illiteracy of the Empire to I
less than it of one per cent. (Brandenburg, a part of Prussia, having no illiterates and the
Kingdom of Wuertemberg none); numerous schools of all grades for girls and young women;
(in 1901) 1108 secondary schools, (corresponding to American colleges,) in which, as nowhere
else, the foundation is laid for classical knowledge and culture and for a knowledge of all
· the branches of science; 2I universities of world-wide fame, attracting istudents from all the j ‘
lands of civilized men (more than 5500 foreign students in 1902), universities in which knowi·
edge is diffused by teaching and increased by research; 457 normal schools; hundreds Gl
agricultural and forestry schools; 9 great polytechnic schools of the highest order, attended (
by thousands of foreign students (by more than 4,000 in 1902); and finally, as the consum- 1 A