0 Science Hall —-This hall, built during the year 1897 for the departments   T
1 1 Of Natural Science, is 96 x 97 feet, of pressed brick, trimmed with Bowling ·‘ { 
B — Green stone, The wide halls, the numerous and spacious lecture rooms, ‘
- { laboratories and oihces in its three stories are conveniently arranged, well ;  —
i  `. lighted, and the rooms are well furnished, Q 
, The Farm BILi]di7lg'5.—O11 the farm is a brick dwelling occupied by the  
i Director of the Station, and the usual buildings for the care of tools. the ; 
; ·' _ protection of stock, and the like,  
,   The Gymmzsium-—This imposing structure of pressed brick and Bed- ‘
,   ford stone, 100 x 157 feet, with the central part three stories high, the right _
t  f wing one and the left two, stands 150 feet north of the Main Building
 T and cost $30,000.  
.  _ The first iioor of the central portion contains the Armory, lockers for Q
t women, and the oiiices of the Commandant and the Physical Director. The ` · 
_ 1 second floor is occupied by Alumni Hall, the Trustees’ room, and a society A
; hall. The third door is divided into two society halls and a hall for the
. Y. M. C. A. All these rooms are commodious and finely adapted to their
» V purpose. The right wing, which is -1% x 95 feet, is used as a drill-room
_ during bad weather. The basement of the left wing is set apart for baths,
t lockers for men, wash-stands, closets, and a swimming pool The second
floor, the gymnasium proper, is equipped with the best apparatus that could
be procured.
The building is finished in yellow pi11e, heated by steam, and lighted
` , by electricity.
The New Siaiian B1¢ildz'1zg.—This house, on South Limestone, and a
* fourth of a mile from the campus, was completed in the winter of 1904.
The building is of two stories and the basement, of pressed brick with
· oolitic limestone-trimmings. The foundation is of Kentucky gray lime-
_ stone, faced with broken ashlar oolitic limestone, the balustrade of terra-
 _ cotta. A large portico, with columns extending from the first iloor line to ,
Q the pediment on a level with the cornice, forms an attractive feature of the V
V building. The cornice is massive, with large brackets.
` The general design of the building, which is 114 feet long x 60 deep, is
  colonial, adhering as strictly as possible to classic proportions and combina-
tions. i
  H1!/erson Ha//.—This large and handsome three-story structure, a home
for the young \VO111€11 of the College, is now ready for occupancy. Pleas-
` antly located on South Limestone street, a fourth of a mile north of the
{ College, and on the street railway which lies along the western border of the
  spacious grounds; built durably of brick, stone, iron and wood, and made
*  J} practically fire-proof; with long and wide porches and with a large closet in
F every room; with adequate provision for light, heat, ventilation and exer- *
p cise, this Hall offers to 122 occupants, two in a room, everything needed for
t` their health, safety, convenie11ce, comfort and physical culture.
Cost of ground, building and equipment, $60,000. _
._   . .,._. ..  . ... f'