Frontier Nursing Service ll
Appoints President and Chief Executive Officer
The Frontier Nursing Service Board of
Governors is pleased to announce that, g  
effective December I, 2003, William    
(Bill) W. Hall, Jr., assumed the position   _  
of President & Chief Executive Officer     .  
of the Frontier Nursing Service. ` W   l
Mr. Hall’s first involvement with FNS began in I977 when he was l
employed with First Security Bank in Lexington, Kentucky, and
worked under Homer Drew, FNS Honorary Board Member and
Former Treasurer. In I 986 Mr. Hall was appointed Assistant Trea— I
surer ofthe FNS Board of Governors and since that time his guid— ‘
ance has been instrumental in the continuing development of the `
work of FNS.
Mr. Hall brings to FNS 26 years of experience in banking and
finance. He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky where he
obtained his BA in Accounting followed by post graduate work at
Northwestem University and the University of North Carolina.
Mr. Hall is no stranger to the Appalachia Mountains. His father’s  
family is originally from Blacky, in Letcher County and his mother ’s  
family hails fiom the Cumberland region of Harlan County. Mr. Q
Hall is married to Teresa, his wife of 22 years. They have two .
sons, Will and Justin.  
The Board of Governors and Staff welcomes Mr. Hall and looks S
forward to working with him.