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a t Vol. lll   LEXINGTON, KY., MNUAZ g,>;911 No.16  
5 OUR NEW ERA. existence will be born to an awaken- once aud make Mba work this term but all. When one activity is tbad
-   mg youth which will use up-tthe full- something worth while. Everybody to the expense of all othem, it is time
4*] While the whistles and bells were new ot their young mnmhaood and get in the game. for tt to be abamtdoned. 'Illus is uruc
  usthoring in the new .yoa.r, how many womanhood to my hold of this ground The axmuad State Convention, wthioh in other sdhools ag well as this onq
’ T ot the students and friends of our opportunity oiterod mhom by that twill be lhold in Danville tthis year, is amd is it a. sad state of ammo indeed.
" grand old Undvorsrtty shopped no mink Oonxmouwoaltah. No longer will sho not tar of!. Besides being 0. pleasure, The Lyceum Course which Prot.
A ruhalt. tthe wine mutmmonts of sound be an unknown quavnxtlsty but will be it ls in raalvtty s privilege, to bo able Spam- mms so well arranged; for us, is
were also ushering in a. now era for s topic ot daily discussion around nlm to zwtentt one of tlhese conventions. The one step weld taken to form a. new paltm
Summa? How msanty were thoughmtul hoartthstonos of Kenmuckyb "grea•t benefits derived therefrom are almost instead of tlollowting that over-meritod
enough to welcome our Uurtverstty common people? tnestsimable, as tthose who have at- pavh which loads only wa. very expon-
. with a propitious year loading to a Right in mms propicious time steps tended one will testiiy. We want to sive amusement, and sometimes to un-
great ttlutmue under me lcwtiendbtip of a man 00 cho presidential helm with send a $00d delegation thus year. Now saltismctory results in the cmd.
  _ our new President, Judge Bolkor? a judicious knowledge second to none is the time to bogicn mhlnldng of and To one not well versed in ·hls own
  In houm we dof! our halts att. the in the state. He comes to us with preparing tor this convemtion. tongue, the only Word rthaxt wm ox-
mcnttiou the name ot our President ·a.11 the vigor that mm prime or ms lite press our appreciation tor all training
Emeritus James K. Patttorson, who cam give and brimming over with u ‘*"°'°'°'"_”" of a. literary nature is l·tt.ora.ry dlswc-
haas gwivon a. Ions and brillltlnmt life for desire tor a, stupendous success, WHAT SHALL WE °°? tivlty. If there is no such word, it
the school wto have learned to love. Wi-tm sudh a mw to stir "tb.1s grand ___ would be well to adopt it for Ulmt pur-
Nclther do We forgot the name of 6110 otd ship of Smalte" we feel sure that Pi0¤1!'6S<1\l€, ¤Hd&\1¤·t»9d and \1HS\1!‘· pose. There is less interest, lass ac- •
one who flias labored by his side for she will reach tih»e eminence we are passed, the Umlvorsity stands among tlvity and less energy spent in this
so many yea.rs· ospouslng che same hoping har no amtain. 0ur President its contemporaries, but shall we let work than any ovhgr that can be
cause, mm tmder wthose gtuidanoe is coming to render to us his life and them be placed on an equal with us? thought of that is to the good ot all
Sumo has achieved so much during science. Ilellow students, wnhwt are Shall we lot them carry ot! victories concerned, and everyone at large.
the past year. With vhese two well wo bringing hmm? Now is a critical that are due us? Shall tihey defeat us
equipped men wt Mlm helm State has time. Something depends upon ug, in couttosts that mean more to the A CHMSTMAS Gln
made s-low but steady strddos ilor a. Yea, as ·mtu»dh, if not more, tiham de- University .t·l1am b€i¤»8 victorious on '
College honing only one graduate in ponds upon mm, tthe athletic Hold? Shall we ever un- Ou Friday aftglggm December 16.
’69 to al Untlvorsimy having over etlgthmy so wmy -8,;;. aye giuglg mo the Swag. shackle ourselves from that soyhisto- just before the classes of the Law De-
prospective graduates for the year wt possible wdtvantcoment let us rally Gated id€¤· that f00tb8·U is @6 ONY partmem were mmuy dismissed for
IE 1. ’¤· She MS mt ¤¤lV¤¤¤<>d‘ by l¤¤¤¤ *0 hw <>¤·¤·*· Md SWG him W ¤¤¤¤‘¤Y “““g ‘“ "°“°g° “’° “'°""‘ ‘°°"‘*“g “‘*~ me holidays the students assembled
and bounds no at place one mmm cooperation. Let us mn; md walk and the only thing worth striving for in the ubmgy and presented to the
maintain, but she has ripeuod and ma- for our Umivorsilty whenever wg go, is to bc a participant in a heroic but- Dean, Judge Lanerty a handsome
tured for each plume she has occupiedt ond before our decade shall have pass— UQ 0¤_th€ S¥'idi'¥‘°¤? goldmeaded cane bearigg the mscrip,
The sigma of the times now indicate ed away, ours will be uho greatest "B·¤ild 0166 H1<>1‘€ Stately m&¤t8i•¤¤¤¤" mm: ·.T0 Judge Wm T_ Lafferty from
mm.: a new em ta downing upon- me scuwt or tm soummmu, ono or wmtm ch my friends 1<—>¤t vlw mms wd tem- appreciative Studeum December 25_
  University. W·tt1h· joy how mounds Kentucky wlil·1 be jughly proud md pest of the outer world should tear 1910].  
l881"¤•€d of thé DBSGBBG of (the High whose memory we will cherish 3,11 the \’h€lH 8B\111d€l' OH 8·00t>¤D.t of the H11- Judge Lanerty has gotten very
School Bill by our last legislature, and more because wg helped her to mttmu Substamtdal pillars whtch. hlave, by an 01088 to the hearts of each and every
could not retmtnt from predicting the the height she rightfully deserved. ¤¤»¤km¤<1 'h“m*d· Men chmelw Mm member of the department by his
fultmro this meant for her. A result I the huge block of knowledge. It our wmmgness to aid them in every p0s_
of this is soon a·1ramd·y, tor our Uni- y_ M_ c_ A_ cducaltion is not well founded and well sible Way, and his deep personal inter
varsdrty can boast tshawt the present ___ grounded, our castles of the future est in an things concerning their wel
freshmen class is the largest ever en- The class under PM!. F8J°QU·8·h!`. Shtall fade awaly, als a. mist before the mtg
rolled, it being almost, as grewt in wlhich meets every Sunday uilternoou mighty glare ot the sun, and leave us
number as·n1a:ny ot our slsetew sdhqmls in Prof. Me1c•he·r’s recitation room, is mixed, mingled and bumtod by the POSITION ACCEPTED
w¤hlch· are malntng so mum; rwket, If now well estwbllsdhtd and progvrossiug occupants of the under world. If we BY STATE STUDENTI
me rmghmgn clggg gg impwsgd, 30 or nicely. As autticipatod, Prof. Farquahr are not to booome l—oa.ders, who are?
40 wlnhiu one your www the pagggge is proving a most interesting instruc- Shall we sit back, often spending our Mn w_ R_ Tichgn0y’ a juuioy Sm.
ot the High School Bm, wlhlwt will be tor in thi-s work. Tho clalss will moot time amd money in Our training. Mid dent in chemistry at State Fniversity,
tthg iI\»¢.1‘6Q§6 after {hg   Sdh(¤)]g for U18 HIST. tilllé tlhlt [GUID, S\.1l'ldB»y. lét i!l(X)Illl)8t€Ilt[ iIldiV1dll2\l—S g0V€I'l1 US, has accepted g_ [‘Qsp0usib\€ pggitign in
we all completed nm are having g J·a.nua.ry Stth. at the regular time and or shall we become the irwompcteut me laboratory or the Lackawanna
regular graduating classes? On-o teas- Dl—8»0€· ·¤¤<19¤8'? A college GGUGBMOH ¤h0\1l¤ steel Company at Buffalo, and left this
on wth·y our wlwol has mt been any The regular weekly meetings for the fix us for leadership, butt if the wrong my yesterday to spend a few days
larger in number, is because sho has first term were as a rule, exceptional- conception of college life is instilled with friends in Cincinnati and New-
not been brought before the mind-s or ly interesting and well attended. How- into us by our environment, and it pm-; before leaving rm- [hg East, Mp,
the people. Thome are bhouswnds or ever, we want to take a now lease on we do not take advantage of the best 'Fichenor ls at graduate of Hopkins-
__ Kontucky's bad citizens wtho aero on· life now and make things hum until opportunities in college, we are sure ville High School and was one of the
tively lgnor-am of her existence, but tlho end of the ye-ar. We were for- to bo tlhe in·oo·mpe»tcn.t leaders, should n1ost nctlve students in the university,
the "llatrk Agos" are twat coming no Innate in seourlnlg some good, new we load at all. both in his class work and in other
n close. men, but were unfortunate in thuvlng A State Universitly which boasts branches of college work, and his
The High Schools are a medium S0lH·c of ollr Oltl HIGH dl*Oll by the Way- Hf Seven colcges should have some in- many friends here wish him success
mrtlugh which the knowledge gt her Side. LGVB shake off this indilller- tercst in college activities, not one, in his chosen work.