(   *4 )

c,oo     miles length of the bafe. 150   half the perpendicular, (I'uppofingit a [ right angled triangle)

15000 300

45,000   content of the grant in fquare miles. 640 acres in a iipuare mile.

J 800000 270000

28,^00,000 content in fquare acres.

Now will anyone undertake to fay, that this explanation is not as fairly drawn, (if not more fo) from the words thetnfelves, as any other that can be offered, be-catife it is not only jultifietl by the exact words of the patent, grant, or charter, or any other name by which ic may be called, but by their implied meaning ; and is like-WffVaf fuch a content, as may be fuppofed to have been intended ; whereas the claimants explanation is without bounds, and beyond every thing that is rcaibnable. Yet after all, who can fay what were the precife meaning of terms and expiefhons fo loofely formed* and capable of fuch a variety of contradictory interpretations ?

Had the order of the lines been otherwife than they are in the patent, the reafonablenefs of the thing mult have directed the manner in which they fhouhl be con-1 netted : but as the claim is founded in unreafonablenefs, and that unreafonablenefs endeavoured to be fupported by a traufpofition of the lines, there remains no pretence for the claim to Hand on.

Perhaps thofe who are interetted i:i the claimants explanation will fay, that as the fouth fea is fpoken of, the lines mult be as they explain them, in order to reach it.

To this I reply ; firft, that no man then knew how far it was from the Atlantic to the fouth fea, as I mall pre-fently fliow, but believed it to be but a fhort diltance~ and,

Secondly, that the uncertain and ambiguous manner in which the fouth fea is alluded to, (for it is not mentioned