Woman or         What
it across, shredding it into small bits
which he tossed into the street.
  Now lhe would go into the country.
There lhe would forget it all. In a
long ramble dissipate this haunting
thoughlt, this nightmare which had
made horror of three past days and
  The electric lights had commenced
to dot the evening glimmer as he re-
turned on foot by an unfrequented
way. He was in an unknown quarter
of the town which had been his resi-
dence for twenty years; a quarter dis-
tinguished by nothing that he knew;
its houses older than any lie had
eVer seen in any other part of the
city; tlmost of them  great, square,
colonial-columined  buildings sitting
far back from the street each one in
its grove of old trees. In the course
of his saunter, curiosity led him into
a quaint old cemetery with queer,
gaunt tombstones and cellared vaults.
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