Woman or-What
Rusty iron railings enclosed little
squares of myrtled and mounded si-
lence pathetic with tottering or fallen
headstones. Here and there flat and
lichened tombs covered and hid a sad
handful of dust and remembrance.
The fireflies were twinkling like elfin
lanterns, or will-o'-the-wisps, up and
down the plaintive vistas of elm and
cedar and weeping willow. A pleas-
ant feeling of melancholy, dreamy
and undefined, pervaded the soul of
the Professor as he strolled among
the gray, neglected graves. He had
forgotten entirely the disagreeable
things that had impelled him away
from the city at noon. The letter, the
lady, even Herr Hermann and his
unholy manuscript wvere conmpletely
forgotten. Absorbed upon the sor-
rowful beauty of the neglected place
in which so strangely he found him-
self, he continued to wander amiong
the tall weeds and flowers that had