Correction in Minutes, February 25, 2003
       Page 13, Y. Other Business, Third paragraph
       Second line, change President Todd to Chairman Reed

       Dr. Plattner said that she would like to make a comment on an article that
Chairman Reed happened to author last week in the newspaper about a critical, very
timely, very important issue, and that is the state of higher education and all education,
the academic crisis the state is in. She encouraged some reading on the part of all
trustees. "The States Pull Back from Higher Education" is the lead story in the Chronicle
of Higher Education. It is a bucket of water in the face. The crisis is everywhere. She
said that the Governor was meeting with the National Conference of Governors today,
and, in her opinion, this will be at the top of their lists. According to her friends in Ohio
and Tennessee, the same thing is true everywhere. There is beginning to be a pull back
from funding higher education. She said this with confidence that it is respected for the
comment that it is. She thinks legislators everywhere always knew they could balance
the budget on the back of higher education because you could raise tuition fees. But, the
universities have about raised themselves out of the market. She said that she is ringing a
bell and sounding a note because this is real wake up call. She urged everyone to read
the article.