G.    Proposed Vision, Mission, Values Statement (PR 5)

       President Todd said that PR 5 is the first step in the strategic planning process. It
is a proposed vision, mission, values statement for the University. He reported that three
subcommittees had been developing the strategic plan -- the academic, the clinical and
the business enterprises subcommittees. The subcommittees provided suggested changes.
The Executive Steering Committee reviewed the changes, issued a draft to the University
community for comment, took those comments into consideration and now submits them
to the Board for adoption. President Todd noted that this statement is quite similar to the
past but a bit more concise. It fits on one page and is in line with the Strategic Plan that
will be less than ten pages. He said that teaching, research and service are still stressed in
the vision statement, and the mandate to become a Top 20 best public university is also
there. He reported that this statement had been circulated on campus.

       Mr. Reed entertained a motion of approval for PR 5. Ms. Wilson moved
approval. Ms. May seconded the motion.

       Dr. Jones said he wanted to bring up an informational point for the Board: the
term "shared governance" under one of the values. The Board's regulations codify
shared governance in a number of places, but it actually takes a number of different
forms. This is really an umbrella term for a number of different kinds of relationships.

       Dr. Jones gave some examples that are in the Board's regulations. One form
would be just a completely discretionary input that maybe the President wants to appoint
a head of Physical Plant Division. Maybe some students want to comment on that,
usually they would not, but if they want to give a comment, the President can listen to
what they say. There is no requirement for that. But in tightening that up, there are some
places where the Board made input required. For example, when the college faculties
and departments are establishing educational policies at the level of the unit, the Board's
regulations require provisions shall be made for student input, so the Board expects that
there is going to be the opportunity made for the student input. That is a form of shared
governance. Then it can go a little more stringent. For example, when the Board
receives candidates for degrees from the faculty, the faculty has a final disapproval role.
They can filter what names reach the Board, but they do not give final approval. The
Board gives the final approval. And, there are actually several places in the Board's
regulations where it is actually joint decision-making at the level of the department. The
Board has specified in its regulations that on certain procedures that are going to be made
jointly, the chair and the faculty will establish those procedures. There are various levels
of shared governance, depending upon the players that are involved.

       Dr. Jones said that he was bringing this up now because he thinks it is a good
thing that the Board recognizes shared governance. It is important. He mentioned the
provost system and noted that the relationships between the Provost, the Hospital Vice
President, the President and the faculty are still being worked out. These are all forms of
shared governance, too.