Infrastructure Utility Upgrade Phase I - Hospital Drive Steam Line
                                    Project Number: 1949.2
Project Description:                 Scope:   $819,090
This project consists of replacing direct buried steam piping under Hospital Drive. Buried piping will be replaced between
manholes and in stages. The east steam manhole will be demolished and rebuilt; the west steam manhole will have its
roof replaced. Piping will be reworked in both manholes.

Consultant: Staggs & Fisher (Amendment to 1949.0 Contract)
Contract # A01 1 180                                         Original Contract Amount:             $67,600
Total Amendments to Date: 0                            Cumulative Amendment Amount:
Describe all amendments:                                     Revised Contract Amount:              $67,600
No amendments this quarter.

Contractor: Lagco
Contract# X501578                                            Original Contract Amount:            $699,000
Total Change Orders to Date:8                        Cumulative Change Order Amount:               $54,988
Low Bid:  $69a,000                                           Revised Contract Amount:             $753,988
High Bid: $1,031,477                                       Contract Percent Complete:                 98%
Number of Bids: 4
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
Change Order #6, 12/01/2004, was approved for $34,852.00 to provide intermediate pre-cast vault and revised section of
steam pipe for offset over storm line that was found to be higher in elevation than originally anticipated. No change
orders greater than $25,000 this quarter.