Page Two



after which date she will be at home,
Winchester, Ky., Route 2.
Dr. Dclon A. Williams,
been practicing medicine in Kansas
City, Mo., since April, 1922, address
1334 Rialto Bldg. He says "I shall be
Editor Alumni Secretary
delighted to receive the dear old Kernel and to be placed on the lict of acand judgment of people of imlidlc age. tive
alumni. Many good wishes for
The recent episode disproves none
dear old State"
of these things.
Lieut. J. Douglas Givcns
Philadelphia, March 17 (Reg- been ordered to the Air Service Techular meeting postponed) evening
nical School, Chanutc Field, Rantottl,
with Henry N. Marsh '14 at his
2101 Giles St., Wilming- residence,
Contest for $100 Prize Plan Will
lias a good
Dr. D. H. Smith, exton, Del.
practice in his profession, dentistry,
Close May IS.
Marcli 24. (Fourth
Eleven hundred alumni readers of at Harlan,
Saturday Regular) dinner, Dix- is the
L. U. "Luke" Milward
the Kernel trying to evolve the "Best
icland Inn.
of the Buffalo
Getting Results" at the next popular
Plan for
Frankfort, March 28. (Last
meeting of the Legislature and subse- Alumni Club. He is sales manager of
Monday Regular) evening meet- quently ought to produce something the Anchor Packing Co., and Electro
of great value. The call of Alma Refractories
Somerset, April 6. (First Fri- 922 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.
is expected to
Mater for assistance
day Regular) evening
Morton C. Picklcsimcr
prove no less forceful as an appeal than
New York, April 6. Annual
with the U. S. Naval Air Station,
Dinner-Dancthe "appetizer" in the form of a $100
Cleveland, April 12. Dinner
cash prize offered by a group of the Fla.
G. Taylor Swarts
is secretary-treasurduring meeting
All College night
of the Pittsburg Alumni
The rules arc the conditions that
of Association of Alumni SecreClub.
of the
He is
prevail in Kentucky especially in the
Equipment Mfg. Co., Jenkins
April 14. (Second
minds of office holders. The contest Steam
Arcade, but requested his Kernel sent
will close May 15. The judges will
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
6712 Thomas Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
be announced in an early issue of the to
Lafayette Hotel 12:15.
his home.
Louisville, April 20. Annual
K. E. A. banquet, Watterson
Leila May Graves has been teaching
Literary Programs Form Valuable for several years in the public schools
of Huntington, W. Va., and is now
Ouside Activity.
teaching Literature and English in
The reviving interest in literary so- the high school. She is
University is Competing With Leadcieties on the campus indicates the
of the Huntington Alumni Club.
ing Institutions of Country.
gain in "intellectual" atmosphere eut-si- Residence address, 614 Trenton Place.
Alumni of the University of Kenthe class room.
tucky, with remarkable frequency, are
In the 'days that followed the war
importance in
going into positions of
only the college technical societies
Phillip A. Vallandingham,
business and the professions almost
had a fair attendance and impressive formerly Mary Willa Bowden, is
immediately after graduation.
programs. These societies have con- ary-treasurer
of the Huntington
Teachers who know can impart, stusigns of life Alumni Club. Her address is
come with knowledge tinued to thrive and new
dents who have
in the old Union and Patterson socieW. Va., care of First State
and ambition, accustomed to be leadvisible whereas the venerable Bank, of which Mr. Vallandingham is
ers, and above all the "Kentucky" ties are
This Philosophian has never ceased its
spirit are responsible factors.
proven itself an imsituation could not have been created tivities and has
portant factor in the
in a day. It is the outcome of long
Marguerite McLauglin, known on
and arduous toil. The institution was
the campus as"Miss Margie," assistant
.established in 1865 but it has been a
professor in journalism, has been in
"university" only since 1908.
that department since it was organizTo men and women who are preparing for leadership in public affairs Frankfort Alumni Club Arranges At- ed in 1915. She is a tireless worker
tractive Program.
for the University in every way that
or business the university holds an atThe Frankfor,t Alumni Club has in- she can make herself useful, serving
unequalled by the college.
Fathers who once sent their sons to augurated a series of meetings to be on various committees and probably
great institutions in other states are addressed by members of the Univer- could be called the "chief chaperone."
sity faculty to which parents of stu- She is
realizing (that their sons are handicapof the Lexington
ped unless during college days they dents and former students will be in Alumni Club. Residence address, 226
East Maxwell Street.
are building friendships with men who vited.
Professor Farquhar delivered the
will be their ass'ociates in business
first address which was pronounced
and professional life that follows.
The drift to Lexington is becoming by the Siate Journal "the equal of any
Dr. George H. Wilson has been
chautauqua offering in the city." A practicing medicine in Lexington, 138
feature of one of these meetings, ar- North Upper street, for several years.
ranged by President Silas T. Wilson During the World War he served as
'22, will be a concert by the Glee Captain, Medical Corps, U. S. B. H.
Tournament on Campus is Big Event Club.
40 and held the rank of Major at the
Alumni clubs arranging for regu- time of his discharge. He was a memto Visitors.
lar monthly meetings have aided con- ber of the executive committee of the
"It is the biggest thing of the year siderably in the "Greater Kentucky" Alumni Association, and as Chairman
in our lives." This is the comment of campaign.
cf the special alumni commi ;te, was
a school executive on the High School
mainly instrumental in the crpaniza- Basketball Tournament just held at
tion of the
the University. Three hundred high
in the University, recently.
school athletes, boys and girls, took
part in the games There was a total
attendance of 6,000. Had the space
"Please have my Kernel changed
been available the attendance would
from Freedom, Oklahoim, to Box 597,
have been many times greater.
Emery Frazier
and Juanita Enid, Okla. As projection engineer,
Thus the University is becoming
Oklahoma Highway Dept., I ant now
' more of a
center of the public educa- Kelsey Moore were married at Hazard, Ky., March 1. Mrs. Frazier is a in charge of supervision of construction system.
young business woman of tion of 5.4 miles paved road, a federal
The State track, debating, oratoriproject out of Enid," writes L. S.
cal and public discussion tournament Hazard and Mr. Frazier is practicing
Boggess. Mr. Boggess was with the
will be held at the University May 2, law at Whitesburg, Ky., where they
will make their home in future. Mr. Bureau of Public Works, Manila, P.
3, 4 and 5.
Frazier represented Anderson county I. from 1914 until 1920. Since his rein the General Assembly of 1922 and turn to this country he has held his
did some good work for the Alma present position.
David C. Estill followed the engiMater.
Alumni Question Result to University
W. L. Mathews ex-- , superintendent neering profession with the General
of Shooting Affray.
and afterwards
of schools, Franklin, Ky., was a visi- Electric Company
inquiries tor here last week, having brought the with the National Carbon Company
The editor answering
about the cost to the University of girls' basketball team from his school but returned to farming about three
years ago and is located near Frank-to- t,
the recent shooting affray on the to take part in the tournament.
Ky., R. R. 2. Mr. Estill is correcampus and the consequent publicity
Fred O. Mayes was a recent visitor
has felt 'constrained to state his be- on the campus. He is finishing his sponding secretary of the Frankfort
lief that the net loss is small.
work for a degree through the Exten- Alumni Club.
Little people who have, from the be- sion Division.
Mrs. Mayes (Mary
ginning, attempted to beat down the Ricketts '18), is principal of the
University seized this morsel with
Consolidated High School, adMiss Inez Luten is one of the most
avidity. Friends of the University dress Mt. Sterling, Ky,
has gone
successful teachers wh
have not done that. People with juwith the Geo. out from the University of Kentucky.
Joe G. Dodge
dicious minds have refrained from Batten Advertising Agency, New For a while, she was principal of the
censuring the University or its rules. York, writes: "You are doing wonders high school at Augusta, Ky., and after
The University is well governed. with the Kernel. Every day in every that taught English and Latin in the
Its students are of a high type. They way it grows better and better."
high school at Clinton, Kentucky. In
do not claim superior virtues. They
Martha C. Bedford,
is secre- 1918 she returned to her home town,
are typical American boys and girls, tary to the principal of Hazel Green Hickman, Kentucky, and since 1920
healthy minded and with clean bodies Academy and her address will be Box as Superintendent of County Schools,
They do not all possess the discretion 126, Hazel Green, Ky., until May 15, has been doing good work for her own

Alumni Notes

cx-1- 4,

cx-1- 8,











Betwixt Us

when he resigned, holding the commission of Captain, 18th Infantry at
that time. He has been on our lost
list but recently was located through
Professor C. E. Ferris, Dean of Engineering, University of Tennessee.
Sherman Harry Stivers, formerly He is now a contractor, road buildwith the Bureau of Valuation, is now ing, at Knoxvillc, Tcnn., address
with the Land Department, Interstate Kingston Pike.
Commerce Commission, Washington,
D. C. Mr. Stivers has recently been
Clyde Harrison was a recent visitor
West on an extended business trip,
and Mns. Stivers and the children, in the Alumni Office, stopping over
Frances Wood, Reuben and Harry, on a business trip from Huntington,
Jr., have been visiting relatives in W. Va., on his way to Richmond.
Clyde reports that he is working hard
Paris, Ky.
and he must be for it would take a
"chicken farm" of some size to fill
with the one order for 6,000 setting eggs, v,hich
Sprigg Case Ebbent went
he did recently. He is president of the
General Electric Company, SchenecMarion County Alumni Club, address
tady, N. Y., soon after graduating,
In Lebanon, Ky.
the testing department.
"I have heard little from the UniOctober, 1913, he was promoted to
versity this year because I have not
commercial engineer of the Railway
I am
Supply Department. In January, 1917, been receiving the Kernel.
teaching mathematics in the Nacoghe was transferred to the Birmingdoches High School this year. I hope
ham, Ala., office in the Brown-Mar- x
year of its history will be
Bldg. He married Douglas Julian of the best
1923 to the University."
May StephLexington, December 29, 1915. They
ens, P. O. Box 128, Nacogdoches,
live at 1137 Eleventh Ave. So., BirmTexas.
ingham, Ala. Mr. Ebbert is
of the Birmingham AlumniClub.
paticular vicinity and the educational
system of the State. She is
of the Hickman County Alumni



Mrs. C. C. Studer (Clara Elizabeth
Matti) has an enviable record as an
active member of the Alumni Association 100 per cent for the time she
been away from the Alma Mater. She
followed the teaching profession until
September 18, 1920.
her marriage,
Unwilling though to give up business
manager for
life, she is now credit
the Welsbach Co., 429 Main street,
Cincinnati, Ohio, and is living at 3545
Saybrook Avenue. She is president
of the Cincinnati Alumni Club.
Congratulations have been showered on Mrs. W. C. Wilson (Lucille
Gastineau) and Mr. Wilson for the
birth of a son last week, William


ex-2- 0.


.Henry Tyler Watts, better known
as "Ty," is making good in his chosen profession, just as he made good
in his college days. He was a member of A. T. O., Lamp and Cross, the
'14 Faradays, Glee Club, leader of the
Orchestra, Drum Major of the Band,
Strollers and in the Choral Society.
After graduating, he entered the endepartment of the Wm.
Tod & Co, Youngstown, and left that
place to go he Youngstown Sheet &
Tube Co. In July, 1920, he entered
the employ of the Otis Steel Company
at Cleveland, Ohio, and is now steam
engineer with that company. His research treatise on "Fuel Gases and
Their Use in Iron and Steel Plants"
was printed for wide distribution
among engineers. Mrs. Watts was
formerly Addie Lee Dean '12. They
reside at 3294 DeSota Ave. As prcs
iderrt of the Cleveland Alumni Club,
Mr. Watts writes: "Although I have
not yet had an opportunity to spread
the glad news, I feel no hesitancy in
announcing we will have a full delegation to meet Doctor McVey and
Mr. Graham, when they come he-- r
to attend All College Night, April 12,
during the meeting of the Association
of Alumni Secretaries."



Felix Shouse was a visitor on the
campus last week. He was here in the
interest of the General Electric Company, seeking 1923 graduates from
the College of Engineering. The G.
E. Company has increased its demand for Kentucky engineers fifty
per cent over that of former years, an
evidence that our boys are making
gopd. Mr. Shouse is sales engineer
with the company, 1301 Pierce Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo. His wife was formerly May Barnes Browning
They are living at 5536 Pershing Ave.
"It is my own fault and ill fortune
that I have not been receiving the
Kernel lately. Will you be so kind
as to have me placed on the mailing
list, sending every number to" Thornton Connell, the Tavern Club, Louisville, Ky. Mr. iConnell is still with
the Courier-Journas political writer. He will be long remembered for
'his good work for the University during the 1922 session of the Legislature.

Robert Edward (Ed) Hundley went
Co., immedwith he
iately after graduating but soon left
them to enter the employ of the Bi
Four Railway, Indianapolis, Ind. He
served in the World War as electrician, Base Hospital 40. For the last
two years he has been Assistant Professor of Mechanics at the Universit
of Cincinnati, and is living at 3450
Ruther Ave., Cincinnati. He is
of the Cincinnati Alumni
Club. He is a Tau Beta Pi.
Wm. Lee Smith, Delta Chi, Glee
Club, Henry Clay
Society, and the
Strollers will be remembered by Father and the Boys" and his own role in
it so the annual of '16 states. He is
a member of the law firm, Smith and
Waller, 718 Old State Bank Bldg.,
Evansville, Ind., and is
of the Evansville Alumni Club.


George Marvin Ferris served in the
in France
6th Infantry
He remained
in the Army until December 15, 1922,




"Gammer Gurton's
23, "The Imaginary
Seats on sale
Book Store. Get a
save money.



Needle;" March
Invalid," by Mol-ierat the University
season ticket and


Association of University
Women Presents







Benefit Pine Mountain School
Price 75c
A reserved seat may be obtained for
25c extra at the Woman's Exchange
after March 20th.

The Show Place of Lexington

417 E. Main

Phone 1419y

Lexington, Ky.

NOTE Alumni in business and in
the professions are encouraged to insert cards here for the convenience of
fellow alumni.
Write the Business
Manager for rates:

ONE YEAR $2.00.
Herbert Gtaham,
