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li A nmvmzsrrx IS A carmzrzrnc-1=r.AcE for those who wish the work he has chosen. He will have an apprecia-
I to learn. It is a place where new ideas arise and old tion for the finer things of life and will possess a
V ones take on new shapes and colors. For a new student moral purpose.
it may be different from anything he has ever known, He will learn to see the relationship between
I because here he leaves the shelter of home and familiar one idea and another and as a consequence will
re ways of learning and moves toward a life where he will use logic to overcome bias and to exercise restraint.
l, have the chance to be largely on his own. He will recognize the importance of maintain-
It is a place of broad opportunity, where libraries, ing physical health and vigor.
*   laboratories, and men of knowledge are gathered in one He will have the desire to take a responsible
_:_;Tl;¤     community to afford him the chance to learn the best part in the society in which he lives.
  It that has been discovered and thought and to develop Th I h k Ic d d
. i_ Q2; { lf fully his abilities. It is also a place of quiet meditation cle .3lC l Cillal S O ml? ulllllc mall-_Oll Woman
». I. of V     and shaded walks, of cheering crowds and lively debate, éand it  S the alm Of thc Umvelslly to lsslsl thc Student
·,· 'I I V   of people of many interests, and, most important, a m llllalmllg them'
I? ‘I   place where he can mature—mentally, physically, and
  `zta »   €¤¤<>ti<>¤¤Uy· The Four Functions of the University
l- l V1?  The search for new knowledge is an unending ad- _
_ l.   venture in which both the faculty and students take lll lllc lllmllc Sllllelllelllh clllpllllsll lllls been Placed
_ ·. _·¢ l part. This seeking results in a continual expansion of Pllllllllllly OIT IlI€ Slllllellli bccausc II IS he lllld llls
. information in every field of concern to man while pro- Illllcllls Wll0_ llllll llllllle lllc glclllesl llSll_ Ol lllls l’°°l‘·
,   · N viding and developing leaders. lt is thus that higher lllllwlivcli lllls IS OIIIY Ol-lc   Ol lllc Ulllll€lS_lly‘_
·' l I _ education carries out its purpose as the chief instrument _ TI¤€ PIIIIT""Il' _ I€$P°“$‘b‘l‘lY Ol llll lllsllllllloll Of
I . designed bv Socictv to Provide the leadership necessary higher learn1ngI1s the betterment of human welfare.
,I to the upward march Of Civilization \VhenItl1e University of Kentucky elected to be a
  · · On a university campus the student is still taught in lllllllclslly lls Oppllscd lll ll llbcllll lllls °°II°g? _Ol Im} l
l the classroom but he is also made more familiar with IGSSIOIFII SCllOOl> II Wai llollllll by lll? lllldlllolls Ol
.` l ;_ , ` the Other Places Of learning particularly thc libraries AHICIIQHH lllglltif €(lL1IC8tlOH to fLl1'1Ct10l] ll] Cfi1'l9.I1Il WHYS.
· I and labomtofiw Or vvorkshopv HC may not have dc_ Thus, 1tIestabl1shed itself as a complex 1nst1tut1onIw1th
‘ Cided upon 3 Held Of Study during his Hrst vCa,SI but both a liberal arts school and a number of professional
’ ·*·   as his interests become stable and increase in depth he S°llOlllS‘ II Clllllllllllcll llscll lll ll lllllad Ilmgllllll Ol:
reaches Out mom and more OH his OWHI In advanced qualityresearch;I1tembarked upon an extensive program
·· ' I , I COUISCSI undergraduate as WGH as gmduatg he mav of graduate studies; and it dedicated itself to accumulat-
work with a considerable degree of independence from lllg lllld Illcscllllllg llllllwlcllgg lllld l0 lllllllllllllllllg all
_r_I his pmfesson atmosphcrc which would contribute to high intellectual
  C- , - · - , endeavor.
3.,     E u en the opportunities described above, the student _ __ _ _ I ,I ] U .
  .   at the University of Kentucky should accomplish these lllllllS’ lll llccolllpllslllllg _llS_ lOCl‘ll I’l“I’°$°i llc lll'
  gs,   things: versity functions in four principal ways. Its mayor func-
    I I I I I tion is as a teaching institution, but it also serves as 21
l`  I  ‘·l ` $1 I He WIN Wlden his Interests and llllll develop all center for research, as a service agency, and as a center
  as lllqlllrlllg ‘lllll“d‘i· He llllll be aware fluff lllo lm' for the prcscrvation of knowledge. The University has
  ;?"I”"‘I mlm Of ledllllllg IS an elllerflrlse Of ‘l llle“ stated its aims in each of these areas as follows:
V - vi  _ - zme.
  He will gain broad knowledge and understand- I- TIIE TEACIIINC FUNCTION
  ing as well as intensive familiarity with his main Out of thc undergraduate colleges and the graduate
 l  field of interest and will become well prepared for schools of America should comc thc grcatcr portion of
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