First Semester Crs. I
ARC 005-The Architectural Profession 0 CREDITiRRCE£g;RCi%;gRD;2iI;iLOR OF
_ ARC 330-—Architectura1 Studio III 4 I
ARC 332—Theory.& History of Architecture I 3 Professional and Related 145 I
ME 401—Mecl1anrca1 & Electric Equipment for General Requirements (including I
Buildings 2 Military and Physical Education) 33 I
ARC 362—Structures II 3 - I
ART 236—Beginning Sculpture 2 Total 178 I
—E1ectives 3  
17 C . .· ·  
$€€0¤d S€m€$t€Y Crs. 001-002 The Architectural Profession (lst Year) (0) I, II *
- ARC 006—The Architectural Profession 0 ., . . I
ARC ;;I_A,CI,It€Ct,m,I Studio IV 4 00 3-004 The Architectural Profession (2nd Year) (0) I, II I
ARC 333—Theory & History of Architecture II 3 OO; 006 Th · · -»
, , _ - eArchitectural Pro ession >rd Year 0 I II I
ME 402—Mechan1ca1 & Electric Equipment for f ( ) ( ) ’
Buildings 2 007-008 The Architectural Profession (4th Year) (0) I, Il .
ARC _363—SlZ1'l1CtL11'€S Ill 3 Lectures, seminars and discussion by visiting professionals with I
ART 3]0_[ntcrmcdjat€ Drawing & Painting 3 eI·np1;asis (inn the studengs future responsibilities to his profession, I
__EI€CtiVcS 3 c ren s an community. MH. I
—· 120 Architectural Graphics I. (4) I I
18 A basic course for Architectural students encompassing the theoretical 1
exploration of color, aesthetic judgment and physical phenomena of I
two and three dimensional representation and introducing the various I
media and techniques inherent in freehand graphical representation.
Year [V Lecture: two hours, studio, six hours. Gunther. I
First S€m€$t€Y CYS- 121 Architectural Graphics II. (2) II I
ARC OO7—Tl1c Architectural Profession O Freehand drawing for architectural students that will develop an ‘
ARC 34O___A1.ChitcCtum] Studio V 5 individual approach and expression using such diverse materials as
. . pencil, mk, paint, etc. Studio: six hours. Concurrent: ARC 122.
ARC 342—Theory & History of Architecture III 3 G,,,,,;,,,,_
ARC 34$—Planning I 2 _ _ 5
‘ ARC 354..3mICrIII€s iv 3 122 Basic Architecture. (2) ll 1
_EIcctjVcs 5 An introduction to basic problems of architecture: natural forces and I
_ h 1 1 l d h` 1 `
pl’lI`I]3l'y S €t€I`; CU HHH CDYIVCDYIOTI [lll BIC l(CCt\l1'H l’€5pOl"lS€} Stl'UC— I
ture and geometry through individual and team studies of contem- I
18 porary and historic architectural, site planning, and urban design I
archtypes. Lecture, seminar, independent reading. Student prcscnta- I
tion of analysis and criticism of assigned research problems utilizing I
Sccond Semester. _ CIS` drawings and models. Lecture: one hour, studio: six hours. Prereq:  
ARC 008-The Architectural Profession O ARC 120. Hill. I
ARC 341—Architectural Studio VI S . . . . I
, ., . . 7 I
site ,I,-rII.OIy 8. timmy OrAIc1IIi¤¤iIII€ iv z 1-% e‘\t¢’¤*e¤*1{r¤lDeéctiimte Drawings-  U I
\RC -I4-7 PI · H 2 Descriptive Drawing, projections, shades and shadows, perspective  
I. ‘ j __— arming drawing. Lecture: one hour, studio: two hours. Concurrent: ARC I
ARC 36>—Structures V 3 122, Hill_ I ·
—E1cctives 5 I
210 Architectural Studio I. (5) I, II .
18 Architectural problems dealing with simple space and structural ‘
requirements. Instruction by problem method on an individual critic- I
student basis followed throughout the entire studio sequence. Lecture, 1
one hour; studio, twelve hours. Prereq: ARC 111. Staff. I
Yer V 211 Amhiieciurai studio 11. (4) 1, II 1
First Scmcgtcr Cr5_ A continuation of ARC 210. Residential and small building design. I
. . Sl', tl h .P :ARC210.St.
lure ssc-.—xIC1IIiccrIIIa1 StLl(l1O VII 6 ‘“‘  "`°“’ °“” ’°“"* "H
ARC 3$l—Thesis Research 1 220 Materials and Construction Methods. (2) 1
ARC 3;3—Tll€O1’y of Al'Clllt€ClZLlI’€ \/ 2 Materials of construction; their sources and characteristics manu-
,-\RC 3§6_PyOfcSS{(ma] Pmctjcc] 2 facture, use and size classification, limitations, standards of fabrica-
ARC 366_Sh,uCtutCS VI 3 tion. Lecture, one hour; studio, three hours. Concurrent: ARC 210.
ARC 3,/lfscllllllill A 1 221 lylaterials and Construction Nlethods. (2) II
`Elcctlvcs 3 A continuation of ARC 220. Methods of construction and choices
—- of systems. Lecture, one hour; studio, three hours. Prereq: ARC 220.
18 222 Building Construction (3) I, II
Analysis of the architectural process, investigation of materials and
‘ . ccnstruetion methods. Individual and group case studies in the
Second Scméstcr CIS` diawing studio. Designed for Engineering Majors. Lecture, two
ARC 352—Tl1€SlS 10 hours; studio, three hours. Prereq: CE 301 and ]unior standing.
ARC 3S7—Professiona1 Practice II Z G”'V·
_El°ChVcS 6 330 Architectural Studio III, (4) 1, Il
Illf -_ Architectural problems with emphasis on materials and detail in the
18 design process. Studio, twelve hours. Prereq: ARC 211. Slug.
‘ 147