I l *_t7 V
It GRADUATE SCHOOL Diiuacsrons OF GRADUATE STUDY. A director of graduate _
Q . . .
` ;   study serves as advisor to each student majoring in his area I
l i' active part in the graduate program (i.e., are heavily engaged until the student has a thesis director. The director of l
E   in directing theses, carrying on productive research, etc,) graduate study then recommends that this thesis director be l
l   should make appropriate reduction in the duties required of 3PDOiHt€d thi? Stl1Cl€¤t’S advisor 01’ committee Ch8if1'¤3¤· IH l
l   such teacher; areas where these arc not required, thc director of graduate l
' study is the advisor for all students not writing these. All *
‘   Q1 Tm DEAN AND Hls OFFICE Th? Defm Of thc Cmdllgtc student classihcation schedules must be endorsed by the l
l ' I School is charged with the administration of the p0l1C1€S · ·
t 1 I · G _ _ student s adviser. 1
i i 2 adovtcd by the mduatc Faculty and _th€ Umvcmty Faclllty If it is desirable, a director of graduate study may rec0m— A
l l ` rilatlang to §raduat€ Studl€S‘ HC prcsldcé Overf alamictlligs mend that additional advisors in the area be appointed. A
I l 0 t C Cm mt? kFa€ulty énd calls mcctmgs O t ls acugy director of graduate study who is to be absent from the Uni- 1
I 3 whenever he thm s rt advisable or whenever requested to 0 versity for as long as 3 semester must can this fact to the 1
, l i S0 by 9¤== fourth of the membcmv- H? makes mam- attention ofthe Dean so that 3 Substitute may be appointed. =
` i I mcndations t0 the Graduate Faculty respecting the requ1rc— Directors Of graduate Study make annual reports to the A
i l | ments for advanced degrees, the regulations necessary to Dean of the Graduate School On the progress and needs of
l -` mmm 8 hlgh Stfmdmd of graduate WOrk* th? departments of graduate work in their areas in time to permit the Dean to {
; i ¤¤“€g€S ¤¤*h¤¤Z€d *0 Offer coms leadmg *0 g¤·d¤==*¤ use this information in his mimi report to the President of ·
5 = degrees, and all other aspects of the graduate program. He the University j
l .' appoints 3 Fonlmlttcc fo? each graduate ?tud€nt’ ammgcs fqr The Dean of the Graduate School, with the advice of the *
l ` `_ G"? cxmEl"?t'°nS* Fdvlsci stgldintz Wéthtrcgagd Ito glglr college dean(s) and the approval of the President, may *
` * Q stu IGS an he rcqmlclnen S O t E ra ua C C °°* im m recommend to the Graduate Faculty the areas of graduate
all other ways administers the graduate program in the study and research into which the University may be
l ` interests of efficient instruction and the highest attainimerit divided (The logical unit for an area is a department By
;! POM]? on thc PMP sf mh gméuétc S*¤d*=¤t~ F ¤S mm Cami, however, certain departments may be ¤
I V rcspunsrblc for determining and certifying t0 the Registrar grouped into an area; and in exceptional Cases 8 department  
; Candldatcs who have fultlljf rcqL;r€;wnF§ f¤rf¤<;V¤1;§€$i may be divided into two or more areas.) The Directors of l
l Y dcgim and he reports mmm Y to t C resi alt O t C m` Graduate Study for the various areas are recommended to ‘
I ` Vcmty On the Work Of the Graduate School ad Its n€€dS‘ the President of the University by the Dean of the Graduate
l l The Pr°S'd°“t_ and the Dem} Of thc Graduate SCh°°l are School after he has conferred with the respective graduate
Y members CX-Ofl:lC1O of all committees 0f the Graduate Faculty. Staffs and College deans Of the gems concemcd
1 _ 1
i   ¤{¤d thc D<=$·¤ 0* the Gfadmtc $9h¤¤'» who ·S ¤h¤¤¤¤¤¤· CMMS. An area which wishes to cstabiish 3 new graduate ,
1:   'lhcre are eight elected representatives and three members program or modify an existing (mc must submit its program
i i ¤¤¤>¤¤¤*€<* by the Dm 0* the Gr=·d¤=·*¢ SCM-_ Om Of thc to the Graduate com], which will make recommendations
lg; elected members is from the College 0f Agriculture and Concerning it to the Graduate Faculty
{ Ilomc Economics, two from the College of Arts and Sciences, I
i (mc from thc College Of Cgmmercgy {wg from the College HONORARY Drsciuzxs. The selection of candidates for
`   0f Education, one from the College 0f Engineering, and one honorary d€gY€€5 0YiBi¤8t€$ ifi th€ GY¤d¤3t€ FHCUIW, and th€
l   from the College of Medicina The member O; mgmbgys Graduate Faculty makes its recommendations t0 the Uni- ‘
\   from cach 0f these colleges are elected by the Graduate V€1'5itY F¤€l1ltY· 1
` ‘ Faculty memberslm that college; The term of oihce of the Honorary degrees are normally conferred at the May I
elcctcd and appointed members is three years, and no mem— C b h . .h
4 I _ _ _ . . . ommenccmcnt, but may e conferred at ot cr times wit
t ber may succeed himself until three years have elapsed since . .
{ { , . the approval of the Graduate Faculty. Recipients must be ;
~ i i thc completion 0f his last term. . .
i ; , _ _ present in order to receive honorary degrees. ;
l   'lhc Graduate Council approves or disapproves proposals 1
  i concerning courses oflcrcd for graduate credit, and advises _
` l and lends assistance t0 thc Dean in his execution 0f policies d , _  
E and rcgulatious determined by the Graduate Faculty. Spc- A mzSS1On
l ~‘6·.lli,r1·C *1 _ _ _ _ .
l U H l K mmm A student wh0 rs a graduate of a fully accredited mstitu- 1
l l. Studies requests of departments relating to proposed HOU Of highu l¤¤r¤i¤g and has 3 8Yad€‘POi¤t Standing Of 2-5 '
I graduate pmgmxlm 0n a basis 0f 4.0 may apply for admission t0 the Graduate I
I l 7 R_ _, Y . t, d School by submitting t0 the Dean of Admissions two official l
l “‘ Ulcm Cm mg programs an COmS€S‘ transcripts of his undergraduate courses and a written applica- 1
g 2, In cooperation with the Dean, initiates rccommenda- tion at least a month before anticipated entrance. Applica- _
{ tions tu the Graduate Faculty. (This procedure is not tion blanks may be obtained from the Dean 0f Admissions 01* a
·   i intcnclccl to prevent 21 faculty member from bringing from the office 0f the Graduate School. A student with a `
V l l any recommendation or request directly before the grade-point average of less than 2.5, 0r a graduate of a non- l
` l Graduate Faculty.) accredited institution, ma be admitted 0nl after entrance I
` Y Y
4   1 examinations and other evidence acceptable t0 the Depart- '
* 1 The Graduate Council has only such authority as is herein ment, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Dean of ‘
I l grunted, or such as thc Dean 0r the Graduate Faculty may Admissions indicate that he is capable of doing satisfactory *
Q clclcgutc to it. A majority of the Craduatc Council constitutes graduate work. Individual departments may establish higher ?
  u quorum for thc transaction of business. requirements. *
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‘ 1