01 to 99—Non-credit and/or non-degree courses
100 to 199—Open to freshmen; undergraduate credit only
34 200 to 299—Sophomore classification required; undergraduate credit only
300 to 399—]unior classification required; undergraduate credit only
400 to 499—-]unior classification required; undergraduate credit; graduate credit for non-
majors only
  to 599—]unior classification required; undergraduate and graduate credit
to 799—Craduate classification required
Courses may be approved for variable credits, e.g. (1-3), (2-6), etc. In no case,
however, may the total credits exceed the maximum number authorized for the course.
h Repeated registration in a course may be allowed if the course description carries
t e statement: “May be repeated to a maximum of .,...... credits."
Number in parenthesis indicates the number of credit hours allowed for thc
course. "I, II, and S" indicate the fall semester, spring semester, and summer session,
The University of Kentucky has established the following set of standardized abbreviations for its academic
dart1nerEts. Thgse abbreviagions should be used in making out class schedule cards and at other times when
re errmg o speci c course o ermgs.
Standardized Departmental Abbreviations
(alphabetical by abbreviation)
1 AEC-—Agricultural Economics EE—Electrical Engineering OD—Opcrative Dentistry
l AEN—Agricultural Engineering EMC—Engineering Mechanics ODM—Oral Diagnosis and Oral
AEX—Agrieultural Extension ENC—English Medicine
ACE—Agricultural Entomology FOR—F`orestry OP—Oral Pathology
:12 ACR—Agronomy FPR—Fixed Prosthodontics OS—Oral Surgery
ANA—Anatomy l·`PS—Fire Protection and Safety PAT—Pathology
ANS—Anesthesiol0gy Engineering PCH—Pharmaceutical Chemistry
ANT—Anthropol0gy CEN—Ccneral Agriculture P])§2—Ecdodontics 2, 4--
29 APY—Animal Pathology C·EO—Ceography
139 ARC—Arehitecture CLY—~Ceology
ART—Art IIE-11ome Economic: ,%*6 Dun
AS-Aerospace Science HIS-llistory     ·
ASC—Animal Science lION—Irlonors i"""’"i '   "' ` i " N   `ilii   i S ii UPWWNE
BIL—Biology (Centers only) IlOR—Ilorticulture E··‘·’* *‘ "   " Y   "   f `i `   ```S l
BOT—Botany 1rlUM——1’1umanities i- -— — ~ i ’ ‘ ` ‘ ' ` 1
) BC1’l—Bi0chcmistry lr1YC—Hygiene   .. . - r   = V — Z ·
( BSC—Behavioral Science ]OU—]ournalism   __,, i . .- ..   ,. ., _ ,.       , . ., .. c ...r-
~ CD——Community Dentistry LA\V—Law _;____ _ _, _ V _ _ , ,_,_ , ,   , I.   - V- ·»   —
l CDS—Conj0int Dental Science LS—Library Science     _   .___ ._ - . . ,. ..  
l CE—Civil Engineering MA-—Mathc1natics and? 4 _ i _ __ _   _, _ . , ..
I CHE—Chemistry l\;lB—Microbiology   l P i V i _ g___ A _ ____ _   _
CL—Classics ME—Mcchanical Engiigww     A i W l J V 1 _) _   _
CM—Community Medicine MED-Medicine     l Q   7 A K 4
CME—Chemical Engineering Z\lET—Mctallurgical E’i“— ` V C if V C .   P S i _
COM—Commerce l\-lFL—Modcrn Eoreignf" ''`` "'   ` ' ‘ "
CON—Conjoint l\IIN—Mining Engineer; ~··’ ` ` ' ` _ ` V A l i
DEN—Dcntistry MM—Matcria Medica   - - ~ ~ · ·` i ‘ ‘  
DIP—Diplomacy l\lS—Military Science V; - .. -· T · »   ‘
I DS—Dairy Science I\lUS—l\Iusic i--....,   — · ’ ` `
ECO—Economics NUR———Nursing   .   . .   . L . ·»
EDU—Edncation ()BC——Obstetrics and C; V, __ we _, ..   , ,. . ,. _, .;. .