Page Fifty Five

                                     SEAL OF GRAND LODGE. Pg.12 One
                                     of the relics in the Lexington Lodge
                                     museum i a Grand Lodge certificate
                                     dated Aug. 26, 1812. issued to Michael
                                     Fishel. a volunteer soldier. The Grand
                                     Lodge Seal is impressed upon a square
                                     of paper affixed to the parchment and
                                     apparently the background has been
                                     blackened by hand.  The symbols are
                                     the same as the present seal, save that
                                     the sun is on the iight instead of left
                                     and the date is "A. L. VDCCC- instead
                                     of "A. D. MDCCC.-
                                       The parchment is much stained and
                                     worn and the writing is illegible in
                                     spots. As nearly as it can be deciph-
                                     ered it reads: "Ad Majorem Supremi
                                     Architecti Gloriam. The Grand Lodge
of Kentucky ...... accepted York ........ throughout the Globe, union, health
and happiness. We do hereby certify that the bearer hereof, Brother Michael
Fishel, a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1, under our jurisdiction, hath been
raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and hath performed all his
works amongst us to thentire satisfaction of the Brethren. He is therefore
recommended as such. In Testimony Whereof, we have delivered to him this
certificate and that the same may not be of use to any one else, we have
caused him to sign his name on the margin, Ne Varietur. Given in Lexington,
Kentucky, the 26th day of August, Anno Lucis 5812.
............ .... ..... Gr. Master     A. Butler, D. G. M.
.       ................ S. G. W. pt.        Jno.EvansJr.,J.G.W. Pt.
.     ................ Secretary.            Geo. Coons, Gr. Treasurer.

  "1815, BRADFORD,- SHOULD BE 1816. Pg. 20 An ear'y Masonic certificate
brought to Kentucky 1816, is here given as throwing some light upon the
practice of admitting visitors in Lexington Lodge. Great care was exercised to
admit no "Modern Masons" in the days before the union of Moderns and An-
cients. This certificate was enclosed in a metal case 6x8 1-2x1 -2 inches.
  "In the East a Place of Light Where Reigns Silence and Peace. To All
Men Enlightened on the Surface of the Earth, Greeting. We, the Master,
Wardens and other officers of Fred'g American Lodge No. 63, Constituted by
and working as Ancient York Masons under the Auspices of the Grand Lodge
of Virginia, Do hereby Certify that our Worthy Bro. Benj'n Tutt, whose name
is inscribed in the margin of this Deed, ne Varietur, has been regularly Initiat-
ed, Crafted and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, is of Good
Repute, as such we recommend him to all the Fraternity wheresoever dis-
persed and pledge a grateful return for all kindnesses shown him. Done in
Lodge 21st of December. 1815, Anno Lucis 5815. By order of the Worshipful
Lodge, James Heath, Secretary, George B. Spooner, M. P. T., Benj. Clark, S.
W. P. T." Bro. Tutt's name is signed on the margin and the wax seal of the
lodge affixed with an eight pointed star made out of two squares. Accompany-
ing is also a green ribbon with a liberty pole and cap painted thereon in gold
and the figure 176. The certificate is written in English, French and Latin.