Page Four

American freedom. But it may be thought of some significance that the first
proposal for a name was "York," the legendary birthplace of English Masonry.
For there is no doubt but many Freemasons were in Kentucky at that time
and that some it not all these first pioneers were of the craft.
    Levi Todd afterward was Master of Lexington Lodge, and John Maxwell's
son occupied the chair. James Dunkin seems to have been a charter mem-
ber of the Paris Lodge, but though the family names of others are well known
in early Masonry, it is probable that most of the original pioneer Masons in
Kentucky died or were too old to take active part, before the organization of
the craft.
    The comrades erected a single cabin for McConnell and nothing else was
done until March 1779, when Col. Patterson built a blockhouse thus establish-
ing a frontier fort for protection against the Indians, Lexington grew rapidly
after this.


                   In 1870, mi itary government was replaced by a town
               board of Trustees. Virginia had made Fayette one of three
               counties into which the entire district of Kentucky was divi-
               ded. Education was placed in charge of John McKenney
               "Wildcat McKenney' who afterward became Grand Master.
               Transylvania University was char cred this year but not located
               in Lexington urail 1788.