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  I allred Across the Campus - - -
  I walked across the campus today, just after This year, your Alumni Association is attempt-
I the 11:50 bell had announced that it was lunch ing to attain a membership never b e f o r e
_ ‘ time, and students, gay, young, carefree, came achieved. You have already joined the ranks,
l pouring out of every building, busy with their thus proving your loyalty, but can’t you go a lit-
* friends, their thoughts, their drea·ms. ` tle farther? Can’t you take an hour or two from
, your busy life and contact, personally, one or
  AS I walked, I was Conscious Of many aiylaisibla more fellow alumni who are still without the fold
. T footprints before me, some large, some small, and urge Hmm to became active wap 1
€ the indelible marks of those who had gone be- _ _ _ _
· fom, minted, not on the Concrete walks Of today, This is the year of decision! We have been
. O but imbedded in the foundations of this great coasting along lm we many yeahh Camlllaceah ·
K institution. sometimes indifferent, too often apathetic about  
‘ what happens to UK, never realizing that the
I University’s achievements will reflect glory on T
I Aha thiahlag» as I alwa!/S dv. al the auamis I each one of us, and that, similarly, what we   .
_ l wlshea that aa vt E/aa might take that walk wah achieve will be written in the University’s re- 42--,
5 me, might see the gradual evolution of dirt to 601-dGd jastara  _—
E concrete, wood to stone, small beginnings to V M
I s gaeat aehiieUemehlS‘migl‘t»la laet have the Wwe V Try as you may you cannot abandon your hi V
lege, a3 I have haa» vt watehiag the daily growth Alma Mater; YOU, what you are, what you may  i s
of Alma Mater into a University of breadth and have bean, what aaa aat may be, ara af araaj » { ’*
aehleeemeht aha a gwrwae latw`e’a ha/are signihcance to UK, just as what the institution J"
which aePeaa$`» in large Pa"`h va YOU- is or may become is of vital importance to you. _
The new member YOU draft into active mem- V
_ Perhaps yon will forgloe the abandonment of bership may be the one who will balance the
_ the editorial "roe" in this brief rngggggg, beoaage scales toward a greater University. Never let it
there are two things about which I have a very be said that because of lack of effort on your .
personal feeling; the University and you, its part Kentucky failed to achieve greatness!   5
` alumni. · [
All of you have left your mark on the campus; _ “ · `.
all of you are part and parcel of UK; and, regard  &M_ . 4M a
it as you will, you cannot possibly divorce your-
self from your Alma Mater or your responsibili-
ties to it. Helen G. King, Executive Secretary
. V0IL