` i 1 . ,
  D H B i G t M d I A. L. Atchison Nutt,
A 1 "· '3"Y GS 6 S 6 8 President oi Frut "t
_   . e e
‘ FOI' COTlll”llDUl`IOl'l To BllI"lCl =\- 1-- -\¤‘l¤i$<>¤¤ W- L¤~i·¤s¤·»·· iii. s
i surance underwriter, has been elettetl -
  ,1,hC IDM Nigel Medal im nom- · nationals president ol~1’h1 S1igtnav1{;ii,, E
· i standing contributions to the blind in   WOl11(l|‘\ IS Flfst 1)**, mm‘m*‘l *****1 lli‘lcmllY- 10l` a I
E .~\merica," given annually by the Amer- . , two-year term, _ ` i ~i~iiii
T ican Foundation lor the Blind, was   LOW Llbrurlun ·\ 11l]$E11l)(2` 1· the lratcfanty lor gs . }
- , . . .. .. J · , _ _ vears, ir. .· tc ttson was ctosen 21 t ·
  presented Ul D1- .H<1U}’ B€$l» qmcutue hiiss Dorothy Salmon, lortnerly ol i·i.,iicmiii,·s ii,iiiim.ii (Oi . · i lil (Edit
. professor ol sociology at Ulx, at a p.idiii..ih beisimc sum hw iib1.,u.i,m ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ “°m“"1 H1 i»·iis1>m
  _ · ‘ " * " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Roanoke Va last Au<>·ust and M-?
s · ceremony held October 21 111 New 0.. b . i i , i- _ , · · in — · whos
i York (im, on ii (IO €i_b’ WM mg abi new l‘°P` He moved to the top post from ye. igiired (
i * · " { Y 2 r ‘ I V · .. · . .
_ Q ;;“·__1'1 ‘“ ‘ Url C1€“€‘ Y the 19)] gional director of the southeastern (1;. Qiigiuti
,· A citation, accompanying the an- °g"‘lmr€‘ _ _ _ vision, Region 111, a position he lm, ` Dr. 1~
. iiouncement of the award, commended [_ A $***9***96 Of the U““'€1`S‘l1' Of twice held—lrom 1938 to 1941, when    
the UK educator for "unselfish and ex- I‘°m“‘·liY llsth the B·S· m C°‘“m€l`°° 11e entered military service, and [mm {rl this
` . E 'I · .7 __ V . .· 3
hausttve labor to produtie the Out- flcgrcg m 1355 amd the LL‘B· s1¤<¤ 1990 to 1994, M
i standing history of work for the blind, lil 1938* MISS 5“lm°{] hzis been law Mr. Atchison was one of the louml. 111**
- ‘Blindness and the Blind in the United 1******-·U M fw U““'€YS“1' of I‘°“` ers of the Universitv ol 1{eiitueki- *“'$$"”
. . ., · - - »- r - · 7 I - ( ~ A r , I . _ _
; States, lt was on the m€l“1t ol tl11s UM`} smfc l·l4·’· lmm 1~)50_“’ 1919 chapter 111 1922. He was gratluaiqil 2** ·* U
  book that Dr. Best was chosen to re- *'l_l° “"'* ”?"1°“"`1' LO [hc U““'°"S‘l1" in 1924. and became a member oi thc UWC _l
i ceive the medal. (hllcgc Of L‘l“· national fraternity when the clutprei il"? 10
_ D H 1 Irene ALC nslfmqllr A member of tl1e State Bar Asso- was i11stalled at UK in 1926, ¤111 111* llltmgy
resident worker at the lliiiversity Set- g1`Cl1f>1‘C(l guest of the 1·\r`n€1"1cZtns Asst)- wiiiimii iii iiic Jiiiiiiiiry *54 griidiiiiiiiig while still attencltng the U11|\Cl*lll· [music
(`l2lllOll of l11SlI`u(itOI`S of the Blind at _i, __ { _ _ , _' He received his law (1CQ1`CC 1l1l(`1` il __ ii
._ _ r . , , _ , ( ass at thc UK Law School, and , · . , lmstyo
IIS (.0l1\Ct1t10I1 lll l\ew YOI‘l\, nlztrktng wv I 1 _ B, V _ l _ s s i)re·l;iw cjoiirse but wttltotll g0Ulll¥ fl __
the 109th anniversary of work [or the l" Su l°I_ AY °*‘"“m‘m°n lcwmllk haqliploi-’s rlggi-ee, He obtainetl 11** I ylhc
. blind in the U. S. He holds an hon- HCT ¥*l>]>‘>¤ll¤11€¤li H5 fi law €101‘1< 196- ,\,l~}_ degree in August [rom tl1¢‘ (i"l' lum‘“‘
  orary degree front Centre College. came ollicial with that, lege ol Arts a11d Sciences. mmm