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I Review Of I I G S G C .  
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gton H,. I Y I G FIQGTB |OI'l I'] US TY I;  
ml Kari Hts. ,13, Mrs. ,14, Dlscl ,45 _ Henry, Glover Strong, B_l\,{,L_ 14, oi   ,,   .    I ,   i
,, [Or H . ]‘H}’FtlC\’lll(?, N. Y., has resigned his ibn . I   L, , .   , 
Third raatirm, 532 pp., Mccraw- 1¤>S_·¤<>¤ mth the Gamer Corn, with It ,I,_   .,·.» .   ‘ . I ’ 
I, iiii. 28 i Hill Book Company, $850 which organization he has been con-   '__oV,_   - I I
ii rrr thc Ed t D W_u_ H M Ad nected lor 26 years, to become execu-   ‘*,’     I
. ‘t r’s iw e= r- i mm · C ems · . . . · I · . ·     ;»=      =
I d M.S. degrees rum an in a (ustr   fm I   i · ,,   '   '   _,/v · ,
III; honorary degree of Doctor of Science crm- · y d Y Adi/hory (.(mmHuu` I   ‘       ' I Y
[1·()iili·p_ Ipyygd on hill} by lliS Alma lVi2\t€I'. He also Will] h€u(lquHr[€Y$ lll \)VZlSl]lI]g[()l],   , ‘/ Ir,     ,_» 3,%%  i I·
_ hold; the M.S. degree from Massachusetts In- (i   V__,.   I,v.     ___7    Q,   t I
mm dl- imuw of T¤=¤h¤¤l<>sr· . ' . . V I         ..ir    -i,I,     ·
i hc lm I DL Mr;Adarns served as an assistant professer M r. Strong has been with the Syra-   ·,‘=       ’ 
‘ ,,{ chemical engineering at M.I.T. fr0m_1919 Cu__ Hm [ (__ . _ r ' I , sir,   I,.  I
Ii, when to 192.7, and professor since 192-i_ He ,$ one sc 0 ice 0 ,arrier lot the last ten   og   *·I 5 ,;,. , ·-     or,  i , _`
nd [YOU] of [hg   liVll'lg i\llth0l”ltl€$ in the   of y(j;[[`$ and has S€[·v€(l as ulanager Of Q   V ii     { VX
· tt: ser- - ·~ I . ‘     -..·‘ 2  I I
l‘°“ an transportation sales, code representa-   i~··   i ‘ `
IC round 'l`l11S €X€€ll€m book On heat {mm` tive and chairman of the Relrigera- t , .· __,_ ,     I `  
Kcmucrv mission has been written to serve both [goo Suki}, Advisory Committee Since »· »*·--·     V
‘ ·· ; text for students and LIS 21 1‘€f€f— ]Q48 . ` "   i {
T'l(lll'lCl as I , . . . . ‘ ’     -
`c;_ Gram; cnce lor pr2iCllCl¤g €¤gl¤€€Y$· There In his new position, Mr. Strong has I i  I g I ·  
I ChuI)lC1_ uni Ilour new (Zll21·])K€l`$ in the ihiid orhces at the air-conditioning and re- i_. I-     I A 
L edition. In €XP¥i1last presi- thorough discussion ol new develop- director of the Air-Conditioning and ol the De\\’1tt Community Church. · I
Iocyil Lilc ments in heat transfer. The material Relrigeration Institute to the oflicial A r€giSler€d prolessional engineer in  
e is treus- in the second edition which is not representatives of that organization the State ol New 'tork, he is a mem- I
d a mem- new has nevertheless been critically and members of the RISAC. commit- l>ct -ol·.i number ol ptolessional or- I
gsertoma reviewed and modified where neces- lee, Outlines many of Mr. Str0ng’s §i¤iif¢¤¤<>¤¤S and PSM president Ol the I I
. . - · - ii ‘s -. T . ' s. . . ,, , I
,io·y, in order to present ;t concise, capabilities and states; we are par- Citnllnl l\eu· Xotlt thaptcr of thc
nr or the unified trgntmgnt of hen; trnnsnris- ticularly lortunate in securing the A1l1€l`ll`Zlll b()ClC[}’ ol Heating and Ven- I
2].,ioC OI il011· $€Y\‘i€€S Oi M1`. Strong for this very Uliiililg 1lll§lll€€l`$· and past chairman   I
· , ,. · .   ·· [tIe(let·;lN tY··  ` .
ington iu The chapter on radiation was nearly *ml’0“*'}“ *‘>*I8m“€m·   I   ' 'S E" FII]; ;€‘I“i“_"l I
doubled, thereby Providing Space [Or Mr: Strong has been   member ol Efurngiglllrlll .0uct5 0 c rigerating   i
H discussion Or View and 1;_[aC[0rs, the Faenttal School Districr II lsoarrl _;,   I I
grrr), and riorrgray enclosures, rridirr ol hlllit-1Ii<>11 lll ,F·1)’€il€V1llL, A-I X- _l—\n active member ol rhe Uk Alum- I
lion [mm gases rind Ciouris Oi Par during the past lour years, and is 2t ni Association since his graduation. T
[MCS, Combustion and bmewchciiting past rpresident ol the Lyndon Com- hir. Strong has been a loyal supporter  
Iurnaccs, and Petroleum heaters. Else munity Association. He is nl lD€lDlJ€l ol his }§lI]l2i~hlill.€i"1lll(l ol the Lollege I -
Where in [he text, hear transfer by the   ol 1;ngineernrgs 1·ourteen lutradays.
use of molten salts was briefly con- additional problems are given, includ- H? >¤l¤¤ {mls to liclum lor l`°““"’"" I
n·nt·y-lcztnl $lly<¤· t""l I“’l‘l“ l""“"}” "“ “l’°"""l .""I“""‘ i I
Mme im ii ll€iil Conduction problems were solved ol engineering. It will also be an ex- Mary l*`l0rctt:1 Vigiw, have two chil- ·
I IN wir III the relaxation method. A discus- cellent reI`erence for research and de- (I,-oo_ Robo,-I H__ or Dcwirr N_ \.·_ ’ ·
id   S10!] of ` I . , , .‘   I . .€ ,   , r r .’ I
Umi,Ci.§iI,_ lr, [ i the analogies between the relopmcnt cngmeets wto at nor ing uml Mm Rrirmi r,· rymkcv or Mmm, I
_Q Mci. II ·lllS el of heat, mass, and momentum in the held ol heat power and pt ocess Ish
’ _ . ,, WHS considered, engineering. " I
g¢liIl'§" . i \1r and \lrs Strong arc m·tI·i <·~ ~ ·
mmol his U18 application of the theory is il-   B. PLNRO1), Head ‘_ ‘ ‘ ‘_ " I _¤ ‘ · *y"¤ I I
ii the (lol lulmlt€(l by {ll€ S0ll1ti0H of :1 large Dept. ol hilecltanical Lnginecrrng lll¢'ll ll**lllC lll ullhlllltgloit ill l;>()()
number of illustrative examples. Many University ol` léentncky Massaclniscus .I\vc., N.\\`. I  
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