g WALTER K. PATr£Rs0N. Vice hu. A. s. MITCHELL. Am. cams;
  E w 14 R. L. 1·oL1<   c<>.`s I.l·ZXlNti‘l`UN crrv DlRl£C'l`()R\'
° V lj A z 103 Post Office ——— t`ontinucd
’ 4 H Parcel Post Division-—.-\ntlrew llamon, l‘ierre C Foushee
j and Miss Susan Milward clerks
` _ 3 ll] Stamps and General Delivery Division-- t ipen from 7 a in
’ M Z to 9 p m Mrs Sedonia M Graves. Miss Mattie 'l`
- i F Q \\'alker, Miss limma S (iilroy clerks
  ` W I Mailing Division—j M. \\'est. .\   Diamond, lirnest B
j nl Foley, George A l»ateman, \\ l·. .i\dams, George A -
I `. `. ' , T., .   "'.   ..
. » » m m l·alhs ant, I t`
, · ) • , . 7 I '
, ` Mahoney, john B Irvine, George l. Brittingham, \\'m
Q j _ _ B Prather, Frank \\' Smith, Miss Margaret Carr·»‘l
  1 clerks To this division is assigned the supervision of
` all mail matter delivered in the citv bv carrier through
_ _ Z _ _ _ v ,
1 1- lock boxes or general delivery Boxes rented and key-
. ‘ |_• issued and returned The delivery of special letters
_ ° A i { by mesenger, also the supervision of rural carrier ~er» . _
v Ll-. vice in Fayette county i
i c . A i City Carriers—Arthur F Adams, llarry F .-\dams, \\'vl]1 S
A A 1 Anderson, Quincy A Bailey, james R Benge, Charles
  F Bowman, Frank R Diamond. Barrak T Foley,
Y `__‘ HJ Thomas Gunn, George R lrlukle, joseph H Hukle,
Q; ‘ i `· |'_ I gttoIT jones, l)axgtl\}\'g{eisi§, ja§ob H Laval, Samuel
`— . A arrs, _ames t c art, ~'m Montague, Charles
  _ ; E \l' Oaks. Robert L Oots, \\'m R Owings, Andrew ,
j   L D Scott, Ben] j Simcox. Edward L Simcox, john B  
· 5 I" Snowden, \\’lll)LlI“ \\' Thom ison, llenrv B \\'allace .
_ Y Y _ I , I
_· T I Charles X \\ elsh, Roy F \\'illiams  
  E U Substitute City Carriers-Louis E Griffing, \\'m L David-  
g son, Charles B Stinson, Clarence G Bell  
  E d Rural Carriers—john Gilchrist, llenry li Reynolds, Ray  
`· , € 0 gropper, Curtis \\’ Hemple, li \V jackson, james R  
r   U-I l unnelly, Marshall Alverson, lilijah L Cunningham.  
‘   |“' U S VVm C S Hayden, john Scruggs, H Guy Goldon  
— VD ubstitute Rural Carriers-—john Clay, jessie Downey, r
f  . Fred Burk,   P Parker i I V  
j   _   Spec§tlhD§‘:%ivery Messengers——john A’Hearn and Harry  
_- _ Z c ae er  
;_-j,_ E . Board of Civil Service Examiners—George A Bateman 3
j ‘·_. Z see, Samuel Marrs. james C Mahoney members Ap-  
;r Q_ E l` pheation for examination. for positions in the postoffiee  
s   = and information on c1vil service should be made to the il
j__   V E I2 secretary  
A, _ , Rural Routes in Fayette County Serving the Following  
  . ., _ Pikes  
  Routle/{Elo rljI`Rich11ign