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R. L. 1’olk & Co., publishers of the Lexington, Ky., city  
directory herewith submit their 1919 edition of that work con- il  
fident that it cannot fail to satisfy the most critical. "· y
A So far as the publishers have been able to secure the in- 1,
j formation from the homes of the city, the name of each soldier  
, and sailor for whom each star in the service flag stood, has been  
\ incorporated in its regular place in the alphabetical portion of
, the directory, thus making a record that will be of inestimable "”‘ j
l value in the years to come. I
l)REI’AREl) nv C. F. DUNN, T
Secretary-Manager Board 0f Commerce. ~
Population, Post Office estimate, 46,000.  
Altitude, 954 feet.
Thirty-four churches. _
Three high schools (two white and one colored), I3 public
schools and 2 parochial.
Ten colleges, including llniversity of Kentucky, Transyl-
vania. llamilton and Sayre Colleges. Annual enrollment of  
3.000 students from Kentucky and elsewhere. `\i
Model community school, with outdoor classes, vocational A ‘‘`o I
courses, gymnasium, swimming pool and other educational and
development facilities. .
Two line hospitals, also tuberculosis sanitarium and Eastern .
State Hospital for Insane.
Commission form of government, with five departments,
over which the mayor exercises general supervisory control.
Handsome public library building. Free circulation of 59,- '
438 books during IQIS. » -
Electric light and power, cheap coal and natural gas, piped ’
from the Eastern Kentucky fields, for all purposes. Light and `
power furnished to surrounding communities. _.
Five modern, tire—proof oftice buildings, from eight to fifteen ~
stories. Daily observations made by U S \\'eather Bureau from
highest building. -
Assessed \`aluation: Realty. $:4.517,600; Personal, $8,814,-
961 _
° (iii) _
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