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1       Intermr Finish, Builders of Artntic Homes WAREHOUSE PHONE 25 I
l     gg; g 586 R. 1.. 1111.11   111/s (1919)
Q. ~.  . e§2 g \\'0rs11;1111 Charles .·\, 1:111, 11 21111 \\'i11:11·11
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V   1   E \\’OI`I1I1IIg'{OII SilII1lIt'1 M (NI:11y`), 1·111n II`ll\'_ 11 377 Park uv
._ A U15 ii --——- WORTHINGTON WM (Addie S) Attorney-at-Law 800
I 1H  /% 'grust Co Bldg, Tel 11ggY, h 444 Fayette Park, Tel -
1 ‘ III1 ‘ · , 4.5 . 1 1
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_1  1   WREIGN & KING (Elias B Wrenn, Bruce E King),
_   » z Wall Paper and Paints, Stationery, Books, Kodaks,
  Isl:] Pictures and Picture Framing 278 W Main cor Mill,
j—   _° .'.* Tel 76
·  Eiiléliii l \\'1ig111 .·\111e11 1* (11e:11rir1— (11, 111-11111 1·111 X1l1I`1>11>' Trans-
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_ 4 $ 1 1 d "‘\'\r1g11t Qharles (_NIT11’y), 1:111, 11 433 51111111
  `I V 1 I I I \\/right Charles S (Arie 1)), 51511111, 11 1511 R:11111 nv 1
I; ,1* .1 1 . m *\\'r1g11t Clarence, 11;11- stone i
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·_·,.,_ ,,'g; M *\\’!‘Ig'IIt Genevzi, 1111111, 11 :52 \\111:1111 1
_   ,ii;1’i11    IJ \\1'rig11t Henry B, eiv eng, r 1’1101·11ix 11111111  
j. ‘ M 11 ' z V1/right Hermari NI (Mamie 1, IIIIIICI', 11 (101 I3e11:1ire :11· 1
j `     \Vrig11t Howard I., 111:1011, 11 165 1e1`fers1111 1
_ -‘ 1, 111   L *Wright Irvin L, 1:111, 11 252 \Vi11ard
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¤ . 1 1:** '" J1 "right * ura rs, 11 252 i :1111
. °   5111111   *VVrig11t; Lorenda, dom, b 252 \ViIlz1r11
?  11 1111 *VVrig11t Maggie, 11 517 S Spring
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