.  I  
i ’1r»1
I ·}*
i GEORGE LAND Qu ——-—-  
I at Bno·s. 215 and 229   I
:   .1
Patterson S'l`Rl·L1·]'|` 1;1J1n1·: Pine 79  
* 520 Mrs li Baker W Short ends PERRY—From 914 I U Tin 
· 521 Vacant l~11 '1`homas \Vinters Manchester south to Twp, 
_ 5221 ~1€<1ward Mack 1-15 Mrs B Taylor Valley av Q5]
` 52-I *1liram Brown 147 *_lane Martin 211 j M Foster 15 {
525 'llarry Burkc 151 *11 \V Grimes 212 Vacant   `
526 *1. 1) jackson " *I\’1ary Reed 214 Vacant .  
Dunaway al begins 155 Vacant 215 Mrs N J Kiger Q A
527 Vacant 157 (`al Lewis 216 Charles Hulett ,
526 *l1avi<1 Givens 150 *M1·s B Simpson 217 Vacant gg
< 520 *l‘atter~6n St Day 161 j 1. Lake 213 George McLeain ` I
Nursery 165 *Mrs L Phillips 210 Vacant 1
{Bl *\Vl11 Taylor 167 *Mrs N Clark 221 Louis Simpson  
533 *lZliza Martin " Mrs L Cagriles 224 Mrs S Taylor ‘ =
5514 *Merrill Blakely 170 Vacant 225 Bert Hulett
535 *_lames Frost 171 Mrs li Hickman 228 C F Brumley I
5316 Vacant 172 Vacant 220 Vacant ,·
Tipton begins 173 *Mrs ] Campbell 236 ] H Bishop A
537 Lex '1`ohacco Hhd 171 *Edwartl .-\rling— 233 Thomas Taylor i 1
Co ton 234 Rupert Hopper I
546 rlidw \Villiams Dodge begins I   Luther Hulett  
542 Dennis Revels 176 Vacant · Williamson begins .  
5-14 *(`orinne \\`illiams 17:4 \`acant 237 Vacant  
_ " *Mattie Powell 1%*0 *Mr~ M Oshurn 238 Leslie Howard ‘ - .
~ 550 *Patterson St Zd X 242 Mrs M Brumley .  · .
School PEMBERTON AV- 244 Vacant .
565 ’_lesse Bunns · From 427 17 5111 north 245 \Vest End Chris- 1 1
567 *_lc¤sie lirookins to 6th tian Church '
Combs begins 510 ] P Harmon 252 \Vm Hill 7
571 Vacant 512 Vacant 254 Dillard Ross
- 573 *] j Calames 514 Mrs M A Morgan 256 james Stinnett I '
574 Vacant 515 H _l Stevens 257 Vacant
575 *\\ m Kennedy 510 G H Hall 258 Vacant
" *\\'m Cohen 520 T ] Breeze 250 Vacant
577 *Samue1 Broadus 523 O H Stone 261 Vacant ·-;— · I
579 lfacant 524 T ] Sacra 262 Vacant Q; _    Q
580 Louis Smith 527 ] L \Vilson 263 Mrs 1{ Mink g Q N;
` 532 Vacant 526 _l B Gaston 265 Vacant U, m ·
Christie begins 520 E C Harrod 267 Vacant rh   ‘’``’ J
, Brisben begins 531 C \\’ Farley 269 Vacant 2 2 -
I 601 *C Overstreet 532 Mrs Mary Rath 276 ]ames Hughes 3. m ‘
_ 603 *\Vm Douglas 536 _lohn lnnis 277 *Amanda Moore Q
605 Vacant 537 F L Pendleton 261 *Henry Robinson •-] =
6054 \`acant 530 Mrs Anna Dailey " *1-I A Slaughter E > A
univ ·‘\*;;;gie Logan 540 T. T Carter PlNE—From 333 S gg, F
611 Vacant 544 Mrs _1 A Bromley Limestone west (5
V 613 Vacant   549 _l L Shea 213 Daniel Flynn Q ;
1 - 617 *]ohn Gilbert I 550 Charles Truitt 214 \Va1ter Hackett Us Z ·
  ` 625 \\’ E Hall I 551 A ] Brnmheld Jersey X E I
n 627 lolm Hall I   _1 H jordan S Upper X gn m
620 lvy Lyons 554 G P Stokley 215 ] R Howard = _
X 631 Vacant I   _lohn O'Brien 216 Clarence Brown v —
632 Vacant 560 B T Hamhrick Lawrence X ar- Q `
Chair nv begins 561 O C Boone 225 Thomas Lowry •¤ b ·
633 Mrs M Richardson 564 Burlin Lynch 227 M E Parks g" A
643 *Bnsh \Villiams 569 M F Thompson 325 Saml Levita ¤ Z ·
i PAYNE-—From 811 “ MTF M C VV€11l'1€ 332 Saml Lambert a G
I ~ w Mm mail to §69 V¤<¤¤t smuawayx oo 1
r Georgetgyvn 071 111rS lll E Pearl 413 Vacant 2} H _
117 vmin 5*2 A R B¤¤¤¢tt 415 James Gillespie ·
121 Vacant PENNSYLVANIA AV " _] W Taylor
125 Vacant (formerly Linden " V R Hendrix
` 127 Vacant av) — From 344 Co- 417 Vacant
  131 George Walston lnmbia av south, first 421 Ellen Giblin g
I 133 *Chas Strump east of Rose Spring X