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 `  2 "1   Victor Bo C wX¥¢F¤’i`°···¤
‘-1‘_ 1 111 *11111, _   0° JEWELRY Q
i 1 J i- 1 N 80 Pine LIEXINGTON Prnll i
, 1 It ` · w ui, #77-___.__4---.7_-..7 7 .,..V . 7-77.227.77777, 7 7 7 77  
· — 1. ·‘ 11111:1* E ·°° 508 *\’\’m Brown 705 _] E Sams 386 *_]acoh Smith
  1 ay '··   512 *R0bert French 766 *Monroc East Maxwell X
» _ 1    eu   515 *Lula Fisher Cross ond; 407 *_Iohn l)urham
’ _ ` 1 ._ _ H Dunayvay X W High X 409 *Matilda Bush
_ 1   ni ,:1 511 john Harris PLEASANT STONE 410 *Sallic Boin
g i ‘ CDN 518 Isabelle Keys —From N Lime- 411 Vacant
1 t-
‘ 11 41 Lu 519 HosevCo No 3 stone, west to \Va1- -112 Vacant
1 1 1 -     *1*1 W Hardy nut. lirst south of -113 Vacant
V 1 _ ;_ Y   522 Vacant IZ 211 -114 *1·1attie jones
_   'lE1, ’   € ,   Horace Taylor 110 *1{llen Clay -110 Vacant
1   1 *1% USE 520 *Fran1·: Smith 118 *Henry Rice 418 Vacant
‘ 1     3 529 Margt Quinn 120 *Bettie \\=`atts -120 Vacant
_ ,_, E 530 Mary Stevens 122 *Hattie Scott -123 Vacant
_. V 1 ..]Qi 531 *_101lIl Tinsley 12-1 *\Vm Alexancler 424 *\Va1tcr \Viggius
‘   1   Dqc In 533 *_lohn Daley 120 *1{ol>l \\'ashington -125 * amos Bass
_ l ,, 0 , , . _ J
j 1   1     536 _] L Smith 128 *Lena Rivers -127 *L`harles \\'alker
- I iw 7 D; _ Patterson X PLUNKETT — From -129 Vacant
_ ` 1 1   tml   092 P R S118l`lI10ll 312 \V Maxwell south 431 Vacant
· _ _ _     :,;.-.3   gailnt “’_u_   {ao Biollivar I 433 *'1`aylor Jewell
7 _ 1 E-tn 0 n 'l iams -15 * enry '1`ioma: P' X
1     610 *\Vm_Lewis -100 *_lohn Ballard 2 POWELL-Froriim519
_ V 1   6';1 Ilgsessie giller 407 *g Aloxaimler Goorlloe north to 311
F _ `··¤a1$11 · ni _ ‘ USRH Cys 1 418 * has {amsdale 231 Vacant
- 1 - 5;: 612 *Adam Rit‘fe 410 *X1attie Klullcus 233 *1Z Turner
1 1- an R   *1/Chas Patterson 411 *1. C Cooper 235 Vacant
Q, · 1 · A * »-· · 'acant 412 *Nellie Gray 237 *t`ourtney Clark
_ 1 1 _ 618 *Robert Rench 414 *Nettie l’»url>ridge 2-11 *.·\sl>ury Gilbert
7 1 1 ‘** 620 *Susie Coleman   410 *1·]liza Stout 2-13 Vacant
1 _1   1_ A 622 Vacant 1 4-18 Vacant 245 *Rohcrt Robinson
_` . 1 · *11 032 *1\1the lohnson 1 420 Vacant 2-17 *Davirl Gilbert
— J ·7 *   . 1 _ Merino X1 422 *17ucy Brown 2-18 *Sarah Simpson
7 ‘_ 1 1 j 101 1 F_ RQCYOT W Pine X 251 *Fmma Bradley ‘
-_ j A 1 1 1 71   %en1am1nG Powell 515 V§c:ii£tG 253 *Seymore Kelly
Q 7 1   11. 1 urton arrett 518 * ray 255 *Rol>t McKnight
- 1 1 1 l' 707 G \V Vanderpool Cedar X 2?" Va 2 t
‘   "     708 Oscar Hanna 1 607 *Char1otte Hay- p]iQLLt_I;:rOm 563 S
s   1     &l?1°*‘8t%f1§1,, 1 .-111 111°,$“ 1111 17. L*m*¤·*¢-   *0
_ .1 1.,1 : _’ 1 · 1 l. ’ t_’( 1 S11._
7 7. 1   11:1 Patrick Gormley 611 *Benj · Lewis _ 11}; {*;;,11
7   116 Vacant 61:1 *Fann1e Harris 111 y J SCH
11 1 tv 1- 120 Vacant _ 019 *Thornton Smith 112 Qjumcg Mmghall
  3 1 Q 721 Mrs L Havely ‘ 021 *Char1es Phillips ; * .   r  
7 1 111 1).111111 Graxes
, .· , ~·   1) H lgarry 1 023 *Edw Chambers 115 #[1]-mcs Mutiu .
` . 1 1 1 . 7;> VV ams Bolivar X 110 Vacanti i i
V `1 1 [ ’ I 13:1 lgls M E Bam? iPOPLAR—Fro1n rear -117 *.[\l€X(l11ll0l‘ Pope
— y 1 1 Q_ 1 1% P Harper gf :;.47 Patterson 119 *l€ll;1 Mitchell
A ;     11§'1`f1 Taulbec gtjuth {wg l)l0Ql-(S 120 *_10llI1 T0(l(1
1 ' "   1{.1CM§g?gg'   Igiohn Alglerson 121 *Hattic lones
- , · 1 1 ` ` ` ,_ .5. ‘ assius lay " *1’rice Mitchell
f _1 1 1 L   1{B G0rml€Y 351 *Henry Green 127 *1€lijah Lewis
- 1 5 . LM T L T<><1<1 350 *Marg ]o_hnson " *Vinnic Tudor
_ __ ' 1   V '“‘ {TX Hmlfls 358 *Bc1tie Flshhack 129 *!\manrla Bates
. —   ‘·-._   · UQ {V ETEBESO 300 ’;g>renzo Moses 131 Lizzie Barry
j ·_ , _,1,_ V ’ _’_1 0 302 attic Beatty 132 *Rol>·rt Hayes
_,       ~7;;1t io? C L SHYYC 201 Vacant 133 *\’V H Brown
I   `IVC _ 133 Lex Ice C0 360 Vitcggnt 13-1 *101111 Scott
-   {1   _ (Barns) 308 *1·.dwar