have the largest representation are as follows:-

Jefferson         38     Daviess       30        Kenton      21
Campbell          20     Woodford      17        Jessamine   14
Mason             13     Henderson      12       Graves      12

      The 20 counties which have no representatives in our student body are chiefly

 in the eastern portion of the State. It is true that many of these counties have

 such poor schools that their students are not prepared for collegiate work, but I

 believe that we can and should do something to relieve this unfortunate condition.

      Our new Chemistry Building is nearly ready for occupancy and Dr. Maxson hopes

 to have everything in readiness for the students the first of January.  Dr. Tuttle,

 our chief chemist, after a protracted illness from typhoid fever, hopes to resume

 his work in January.   During Dr. Tuttleta illness, Dr. Maxson has had charge of

 the Department of Chemistry and, so far as I have been able to learn, he has handled

 the Department well.   I may say in this connection that the instruction in all

 Departments of the University has been substantially as in other sessions.

     A more intimate association than formerly of the Experiment Station and the

College of Agriculture was effected last July by the joint action of the Board of

Control and the Executive Committee.   Director M. A. Scovell of the Experiment Sta-

tion was made Dean of the College of Agriculture.   With Dr. Scovell the heads of the

Departments in the Experiment Station became members of the University faculty. Al-

though the University is embarrassed by the lack of money to properly equip this

College, a growing interest in it is manifest among our students and I anticipate

that in the no distant future it will be one of the largest and most popular Colleges

of the University.

     In August, on the resignation of Mrs. Stout as Dean of Women, Miss Anna J.

Hamilton of Louisville was by our Executive Committee elected Dean of Women and

Assistant Professor of English,   She entered upon the discharge of her duties at

the beginning of the session in September and gives abundant evidence of great inter-

est in her work.

December 13, 1910