Acting President White offered for the consideration of the Board the minutes

of the faculty.  He called attention to the fact that last June three young men

of the Senior Class were not allovwed to graduate on account of unfinished work, that

Prof. Rowe had presented their names to the faculty at a recent meeting and the

faculty now recommended that the Board confer the degree of Bachelor of Civil En-

gineering on John Stanley Dawson, Sherman Harry Stivers and James William Waller.

He therefore moved that these degrees be granted.  Said motion being seconded, it

was unanimously carried.

     The following resolution, offered by Prof. White, was duly seconded and unani-

mously carried:

     'RESOLVED that a committee composed of the Deans of this University prepare

rules and regulations for the University and that said rules and regulations be-

come operative when approved by President Barker and the Executive Committee.

    Vice-President White was appointed chairman of this Committee.

    On motion duly seconded, the minutes of the faculty were referred to the

appropriate committee.

     The Acting President then stated that Miss Chinn had been appointed by the

Executive Committee as Instructor in Domestic Science, at a salary of '800., to

take the place of Miss Marshall, this appointment being made subject to the approval

of the Board.

     On motion said appointment was ratified by this Board.

December 13, 1910