M2XTTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES  -    December 13, 1910

$12QO.O0 or $1300.00. This estimate covers the range cimplete (complete), with the

necessary rifles and targets. If the Board saw fit to approve the project, this

range could probably be constructed in two weeks.

     "W.ith such a gallery a fairly well rounded course in military training could be

given here. Without it the most important subject must be entirely neglected. The

possession of such a range would be particularly advantageous in the winter when

out of door work is impossible.   The present armory is entirely too small to be used

by all of the companies at once, and valuable time must be lost in bad weather.   But

with a gallery where two companies could shoot while two others occupied the armory,

a very good working arrangement could be had.

     "As a matter of fact, it is this lack of attention paid to the more interest-

ing side of military instruction that explains the difficulty of obtaining the co-

operation and interest of the military students in their work here.   They are

sternly required to perform the least entertaining and most tiresome part of their

military duty; but in turn are denied that instruction that they would enjoy and

vhich they would undoubtedly take up enthusiastically.

     "In addition to this the students could be aroused through the medium of a rifle

club affiliated with the National Rifle Association.   The latter is the great Ameri-

can rifle association, with which some of the Board are probably familiar. It is a

civilian organization; but is closely identified with, and receives the entire sup-

port of the afar Department. Its object is to spread abroad a knowledge of military

rifle shooting among the people of this country.   This association holds an annual

indoor, intercollegiate match to be shot off on the home ranges of the teams entered,

and to the winning organization it awards a handsome trophy.   In addition the individ-

ual mambers of the winning team are given suitable medals.

     "Thus it can be seen that the possession of such a range opens up great oppor-

tunities along the line of instruction as well as being advantageous to the univer-

sity in the matter of advertising derived from its participancy in the matches of the
