Vice-President of the institution, with a salary of 13000. a year.

      Said motion was seconded, and on roll-call was unanimously carried.

      President Emeritus Patterson presented the following resolution:

      ZEFM2EAS the Board of Trustees of the State University of Eentucky have

 heard with regret and sorrow of the serious illness of our former colleague, Judge

 Robert Lee Stout:

      "THMREFURE, RESOLVED that we place on record our high estimation of him as a

 public servant and a gentleman, and express to him our sincere sympathy in his

 illness, with the hope that a kind Providence will deal gently with him, assuage

 his pains and alleviate his malady, and that in the end he may be restored in per-

 fect health to his family, to the bench and to the state;

     "RESOLVED that our sympathies and best wishes go in full measure to his dis-

tressed wife, the able and honored head of the Department of Physical Education for

Women in the State University;

     "RESOLVED that these resolutions be placed upon the minutes of the Board and

a copy sent to Mrs. Stout.??

     The above resolution, being seconded, was unanimously adopted.

     The following report was then presented by President Emeritus Patterson:

"To the members of the Board of Trustees,

      State University,

        Lexington, Eentucky.

"Gentlemen: -

             -When in New York two or three weeks ago, I sought an interview with

Mr. James Bertram, Private Secretary of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who gave, as you are

December 13, 1910